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Square Trade 3 Years With Adh

Square Trade 3 Years With Adh 8,1/10 1019 votes
This review is featured by SquareTrade
Cort of Oklahoma City, OK Verified Reviewer
Original review: June 6, 2019

What does a SquareTrade plan cover? SquareTrade Protection Plans covers all mechanical/electrical failures that happen during normal use, such as button failure, depleted (non-replaceable) batteries, and non-responsive charging ports or audio jacks. Plans that include accident protection also cover damage from accidents like drop and spills. Allstate has been protecting people and the things most important to them for more than 85 years. SquareTrade award-winning service has earned tens of thousands of 5-star reviews. Allstate and SquareTrade have over 70 million active policies.

Filed a claim with SquareTrade two weeks ago, and after jumping through all the hoops and forms they requested, I was told today that my request for a claim is not approved. Phone was purchased in March from Walmart, and I paid the extra for the protection plan. The screen cracked on the phone in May from an accident. Why pay the $36 for a protection plan that isn’t honored? Seems like a scam just to get your money, then you can’t get a response or an “approval.”

SquareTrade response

Hello Cort,

We apologize for any misunderstanding regarding your recent claim.

Squaretrade does our best to make the claims process hassle-free and expeditious, though in certain instances we may need additional information to proceed. With your claim there were some delays and our specialists did their best to assist, using methods such as chat and support, but these concerns have since been resolved. We also provide 24/7 customer support via our call-in center, of which has recently been improved to make calling us easier.

Your claim has since been approved and a claim approval email delivered to you on 6/6/19. We hope this is a satisfactory resolution and we again apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,


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Gwendolyn of Tacoma, WA Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 12, 2019

I have a DVD tablet which wasn't working. That time, I could see black lines and I couldn't cut it off. Initially, I called HSN but they said that I should call SquareTrade. I called SquareTrade to put in a claim for my DVD tablet but then their reps gave me a bunch of runaround talking about how I don't have a warranty. I buy a warranty for anything that's over $100. I called HSN back and they called SquareTrade. What I got was a return label so I sent out my DVD tablet thinking it was going to SquareTrade. However, the whole package came back to me because there was a lithium battery in it that couldn't be sent. Furthermore, the package was going to the wrong place, HSN.

So I called SquareTrade again and again their reps told me that I don't have a warranty. Thereafter, I talked to HSN again and their reps said that my warranty was canceled. I told the rep with whom I was speaking that I didn't cancel the warranty. She then said that it got canceled and that they put my money back in my account. I went to my back account and my records show where I paid for the insurance and that HSN and/or SquareTrade didn't give me my money back. When I called them again, another rep said that it was a mistake on their end and that my warranty was cancelled from there.

The first rep tried to ask me if I wanted her to give me my $27 back. I told her no because I bought the warranty. It's now way over a year later and she wanted to give my warranty money back. I called HSN again and they got other people. I bought the warranty and there's proof in my bank account. I also have my warranty paper. I purchased a three-year warranty for my DVD tablet for $23.07. Somebody would have to pay for it.

Even though I have a problem going on, I'd recommend SquareTrade and I love them. When stuff is in the right, I have no problem with them. They get my stuff sent. If they can’t fix it, they send my money back. I bought a Motorola phone and it was horrible. I can't text on it because it would stop. I couldn't talk on it either. It just goes crazy but then the next minute, it would work. SquareTrade handled that quickly. I got a new phone coming. So, I know that they're not the problem.

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Sharon of Franklin, WI Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: Feb. 15, 2019

I bought a TV at Costco and they suggested that I get a SquareTrade warranty on it. It was two and a half years old, and all of a sudden, one-quarter of the screen started going dark. I called SquareTrade to file a claim. I went through a voice menu which was very confusing. Especially when I had a recall, they would say, “To do an existing claim,” and then I’d hit that and then they would go through this whole thing and give me this list of stuff I didn’t want. Then they'd ask what kind of appliance it was and when I did that, it was just like a voicemail jail. And the last one, instead of just “Stay on the line and get a representative,” it was “Go back to the main menu,” so I had to go through it again. But once I got to talk to people, they were all very nice.

I explained everything to them and then they switched me to the TV department when I was saying it was TV and what the problem was. And then I had to explain everything over again. They didn’t transfer all that knowledge somehow and so they could do better at that. Then they did a lot of diagnostics over the telephone which was fine but I didn’t realize how involved I was gonna be at that time. I’m almost 80 but I’m actually pretty tech savvy for my age. They asked for the serial number, and the serial number is on the back of the TV and it is so tiny. I had to get my glasses and a flashlight in order to get it. I had to move the TV but I have a stand that has sliders so that wasn’t too bad.

I had unplugged everything and then later on, replugged it in. I had four things to unplug in the back of the set, and there were about nine different plugs. I managed to get them all in the same place where they were. Then SquareTrade said that the TV couldn't be repaired and they would send me a new one but they wanted three pictures taken of the screen under certain circumstances and email those pictures to them. I got my grandson to do that and SquareTrade got back to me within a day saying they would do it immediately.

We ordered another TV and SquareTrade said that it would be delivered on such date and that I would hear from Best Buy. They gave me choices between the three and I picked one and they verified that in the email that it would be coming on the 16th. On the 14th, somebody from Best Buy called me and left a message. I called the lady back and she verified the TV that I had chosen, as well as it would be delivered on the 16th, between seven and one. I asked her if they would really come at 7 AM as I don’t really wanna get up that early. She said they would call me the next day and give me a smaller window. They called and said they were gonna be here between 10:30 and 12:30 on Saturday, the 16th.

I made arrangements for my grandson to be here to put it together once they came and set it up. I stayed home the entire time, didn’t go any place. By 1:15, I thought it was kinda goofy so I called Best Buy and got somebody on Geek Squad. He looked at all kinds of screens and then he said that the TV was not available anymore. When they went to load the truck on Friday night, and I had gotten a call at 7 that they weren’t gonna be here the next day so sometime after that, they found out that they didn’t even have that set. He asked if anyone called me and I said no one. It took them two weeks to figure out they didn’t have that one, and he said this was from Best Buy, that he couldn’t do anything about it. I have to deal with SquareTrade again.

I started all over. I called SquareTrade on a Saturday and got someone. He told me that the TV guys weren’t there and so he couldn't do a lot that da but he'd put me on high priority for Monday morning. They contacted me on Monday morning and I explained what happened. They redid it and said that they would take care of it. On Tuesday, they said that they couldn't find the TV we picked out originally but they got such and such a one and asked me if I could authorize that, which I did, and then I got a confirmation on that. They would be getting this TV from Costco. It was more reliable ‘cause that was where I bought it to begin with, so that’s where it is now.

I wrote a letter back to SquareTrade saying I was upset about what happened. I told them to tell Best Buy that computers today do a very good job with inventory control. As soon as SquareTrade said I picked this TV, that should have gone into Best Buy's inventory control. If they had one, it would go out of inventory, or it would come back in a day or two saying that they don’t have it, but nothing at all. This woman from Best Buy that I talked to that verified with me should have at least got two days to figure out if they have one. If they would have known anytime in those two weeks, they could have let SquareTrade know and I could have picked out a new one a week ago. But overall, I'm satisfied with SquareTrade.

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Nick of Urbana, IL Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: Feb. 4, 2019

I had bought a Tenda brand AC18 router from eBay in March, 2018. It worked great for 2 months, and then suddenly bricked. I tried everything to revive it, but nothing would work. I called Tenda for an RMA since SquareTrade suggests dealing with the manufacturer in the first year instead of filing a claim. Tenda denied my RMA on the grounds that it was sold to me on eBay, and they're not an 'authorized distributor'. Despite it was brand new and I have returned new items bought from eBay to other manufacturers with no problem. They also took a couple of weeks to respond to emails. But they suggested going trying SquareTrade again so I did just that.

After using the live chat to talk to a rep and submitting the requested emails I exchanged with Tenda, SquareTrade had no problem honoring my claim and sending me the full amount. However, at first they will try to send you some lesser amount than what your purchase price was, saying 'this value is determined by the system dependent upon the time when the item was purchased and the issue that is being faced with the item.'

I told them I didn't understand and after asking how it all works since I thought the coverage was for what I paid on the item. They said they'll talk to their supervisor and thankfully they decided to give me the full purchase price back in the form of 2 checks (one for lesser amount offered and the other for the remaining amount to purchase price, which don't come on the same day, I had to wait a week for the second). I guess I can understand from a general business perspective, they will try to hold onto as much money as they can. You just don't want to be a pushover for their initial offer if it is less than what you paid.

The only other problem I have with SquareTrade is that their site is needlessly simplistic, and otherwise not very intuitive. There was no process to file a claim within 1 year of manufacturer warranty except through the live chat which only shows up on certain pages. Other than that, I got covered without issue. Tenda on the other hand, not so much.

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Peter of New York, NY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: Dec. 28, 2018

I sent SquareTrade an iPad which had a cracked screen but it was still working. I was very hesitant on mailing it out because I haven’t sent in something but my warranty was getting ready to expire and so, I sent it to them. When it came back, the screen was fixed but when I powered it on, it was black and blue 5 inches from the top of the screen. I had to make another phone call. Inside the packaging, it was checked off by two people that this was in great, working order and it was packaged with a lot of bubble tape. I sent it back to them and when I got it back, it was worse. The screen might have been replaced but when I powered it on, there was nothing coming on and it was glitching on the screen.

I called again and Lonnie, the guy I spoke to, was helpful. He told me to mail it back to a particular place and they will send me back what I paid for that iPad. I mailed it and they said that once they see that it has been checked off by Federal Express, they will send me a check immediately which they did. That was great and I could get a brand-new one but it should not have happened in the first place. The guy took a wrong and he made it right. So, I’m giving him credit as far as what they did to compensate me on that. My wife had a little bit of a crack on the screen. I was out of warranty now, and it was the same thing. My wife really uses the iPad and I use it periodically so, I told her to let me send mine first and we would see how they do it. Even though it was out of warranty, the guy allowed me to send my wife’s iPad and they would repair it. They did a good job on resolving it, so I have to give them props on that.

I purchased the SquareTrade insurance a few days after I purchased my iPad from ABT. I like ABT and I ordered it from them. I have a guy who I personally deal with which was where I heard about SquareTrade. I searched it and the prices were a little bit different. It was a little bit cheaper for me to buy it outside of SquareTrade but I bought the three years and I paid for my iPad Apple Air $579. It was what they gave back to me. I used it for three years, and they gave me back my money. It was a good deal.

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Michael of Vancouver, BC Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: Dec. 4, 2018

I purchased a protection plan for a Samsung 60-inch TV from Costco. SquareTrade was the one that they were offering and they told me I had to deal with SquareTrade. When I was watching TV, it turned black all of a sudden. Nothing was showing on the screen, so I thought the timer had shut down the TV. I pressed the power button on the remote, but nothing came on. I went to the TV and when I pressed the power button there, it didn’t come on. I checked the plug and I changed the connection to a different socket. I tried everything, but nothing worked. I called Costco, and I told them that my TV just died on me.

I checked and noticed that my extended warranty was still valid until some time in December. They connected me to SquareTrade and I explained the same thing to the SquareTrade agent. He went to the same process again. He told me to try and do a reset on the TV, and it was gonna come on. He also told me some steps I had to follow on my TV. I did the reset, but it still didn’t come on.

He then said that I would have to get someone to fix it and when they fix it, I should get them to issue me a computerized receipt with a paid stamp on it. I would pay for that myself and when I send in the receipt online, once they receive it, they would process it and issue me a refund. They gave me a couple of referrals around my area. I called those once, but nobody answered, so I went online myself and I got one of them. I called and the man said that he was gonna come and look at it the next day.

The guy came and looked at the power. He opened up the TV and noticed that something was bad. He said he had to take it back to his shop and see if he could get a replacement. He eventually did that and came back with the replacement part after a day or two and installed the back on the TV. It has been working since then. I emailed the receipt to SquareTrade through their website and after they received it, they processed and told me that they will be issuing me a refund check in the mail. I’m still waiting for the check to arrive.

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Mark of Detroit, MI Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 29, 2019

When they delivered the lawn mower I was not given a call. They just left it on the porch. Thank god my brother was there. Someone could have taken it. The customer service when you call the people are not very nice. You are transferred to too many people. I have never been talked bad to like I was a child. That concern me that if I am talked to like that what about others.

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Brian of Riverside, CA Verified Reviewer
Original review: June 28, 2019

Don't bother calling them, All they want to do is get you off the phone and for you to file your own claim through the web. Going through that process I have been misinformed (in writing and on chat) and feel the main purpose of the insurance is to create so many hassles, you want to give up. Have a Samsung Note 8, Warranty bought through Target. Phone won't charge. Was given the name and address of a phone repair place to take my phone to. They do not repair Samsungs. Email received stated if I want to go to another store, go to the claim status page to change, which I did. No other options were listed.

I opened a chat, who told me he could not give me an option and I needed to call the 877 number, which I did. I was told they could not give me any other options, although when I first filed the claim, 2 options were listed. I was then told I could take the phone to any place for repair. With my experience with them so far, I have no trust in their advice, as they also have the option of denying a payment request. Shame on Target and shame of this insurance.

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Brenda of Springhill, FL Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

My GE refrigerator was not cooling. SquareTrade helped to get me in touch with GE to repair and due to my refrigerator not being under manufacturer warranty, I sent the charges to SquareTrade and it was taken care of, my representative was very professional and I had no problems.

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James of Scottsdale, AZ Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

Person I talked to was helpful and patient. Would have liked some clarity as to how the amount of the check was reached, as it was slightly less than the amount I paid for the item on eBay. Website should have a more clear (very possible I missed it) way to initiate chat instead of staying on a page, hoping it pops up.

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Joseph of Lackawanna, NY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

I am happy I bought a SquareTrade protection plan. When my portable am/fm radio broke and stopped working, I was able to get a refund from SquareTrade to buy another. SquareTrade is good to have. SquareTrade makes it easy to file a claim online.

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Patricia of Yardville, NJ Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

My printer was having a hardware problem with the 'copy' feature and tech said to return printer. Called SquareTrade about warranty and they refunded the total amount of my purchase. I was very happy dealing with SquareTrade and recommend it to anyone.

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Leiann of Adrian, MI Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

Samsung printer. We had a fuser unit go out and they sent us a gift card so we can purchase another printer. We are very happy with how our issue was handled & processed. When we buy out new printer we will also purchase another SquareTrade warranty.

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Kristen of Mexico, NY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

SquareTrade has been very reliable for us. I have purchased several SquareTrade warranties over the years for a variety of items. Whenever I’ve needed to use one, the process has always been easy & with a positive outcome. Always worth the money.

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Eric of Lawrenceville, GA Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

I have purchased an extended warranty coverage plan from SquareTrade each time a purchased a new set of Bluetooth headphones. I own three sets of headphones, two pair lasted past the extended warranty coverage time frame. The last pair I purchased stopped pairing with my phone after two months after purchasing them. I contacted SquareTrade and was told to send my headphones in to a repair center and they would repair the unit or replace them.

Approximately 2 weeks later I received a notification stating the claim was denied due to water damage with was not covered by the warranty plan. I knew this claim was untrue, the headphones were not exposed water outside of normal perspiration during wear. I called Square and told them that there this could not be an accurate assessment of the equipment because the headphones were not exposed to water. I was told I could pay to send the headphones to a separate repair shop and if they verify there is no water damage contact them to reopen the warranty claim.

I was deeply disappointed with my claim experience with SquareTrade and felt scammed and cheated. I would not recommend purchasing an extended warranty for small electronics from SquareTrade. I do not believe their repair technicians are competent enough to properly evaluate valid claims which leaves customers with who have valid warranty claims out of luck.

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Square Trade 3 Years With Adh In Body

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Wayne of Woonsocket, RI Verified Reviewer
Original review: June 28, 2019

I bought a cheap gaming chair at Staples for like $100. It was $130 on sale for $100. The cashier sells me on the protection plan and assures me that if anything happens I can get the same exact chair or the $100 I paid back. NO PROBLEM. It covers accidents all that. Well fast forward 9 months when it gets scratched up by a cat and cushion is flat and uncomfortable, I try to file a claim and am offered $85. Not enough to buy the same chair ANYWHERE or a replacement. Of course I just want the same chair which is still abundant at Staples. Only to be told that they don't know if they can get same one, it may be different or REFURBISHED. AS IN USED.

I chose replace option to find out if I can get same one and wait for days and get no response until I go online to chat with a rep. Which says same thing and wants me to agree to a replacement without knowing what they are gonna send me and by doing so it will effectively end my protection plan options. Yea not gonna agree to anything uncertain or any product you just want to send to save money. Like what is the problem with replacing a $100 item for a company this big that you got paid to insure. Like don't sell protection plans then if you can honor even the smallest ones.

I now have to call and waste time out of my day to try to figure this out or get my money back for protection plan or go to Staples and try to get a complete refund or exchange for a new chair 9 months later which they probably won't want to do but won't want to deal with an angry customer due to SquareTrade trying to scam people. I wouldn't recommend this plan to anyone. Saints row the third cheats. I believe Staples even stopped selling it so that should tell you a lot.

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Jackie of Elkhart, IN Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 28, 2019

I'm not a happy camper. I waited for about three weeks to get SquareTrade to honor their warranty. I had a coffee maker and it failed so Amazon sent me a new one. Amazon sent me a new one with no charge on it. Since I had problems with the first one, I bought the SquareTrade warranty for the second one. It started leaking and filing the claim was easy. I paid $39.99 for the coffee pot and I bought the warranty, but all they refunded me was $34. I asked if that was because of depreciation. I’ve never had SquareTrade do that. They really dropped the ball on that one. They kept saying that I didn’t pay anything for the coffee maker and asked what the problem was.

They would say that they'd call me back, but nobody ever returned a call. Then they'd ask me to fax them something and say that as soon as I send it in, to call back and ask for so and so and they will get things straightened out. Every time they told me to send them something, I sent it to them. Then, they would say no, they needed something else. It was just on and on. That was when I told them that I wasn't asking for the world. All I wanted them to do was honor their warranty that I paid for. At one point, they offered to send me the $6.37 that I paid for the warranty. It has been three weeks, and it got to be a little bit aggravating.

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Dennis of Staten Island, NY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 27, 2019

I went online and I bought SquareTrade for my device. I had used them since they went in business. They were a lot cheaper than Insureon or one of those companies. There were a couple times we submitted claims. It was like you call up if your phone’s not working, they send you a new phone, and you mail back your old phone. In the past two years, they’ve changed that a little bit where they tell you, “We’ll get your phone fixed, and we’ll reimburse you for it” or you can send it back to them, and they’ll fix it and get it back to you in a couple of days. So, originally, it was a replacement deal and after they realized that gets costly, they cut back on how they do things. They’ll get it fixed at one of their repair shops or get it fixed at your repair shop and they’ll reimburse you.

The customer service team at SquareTrade is nice when you call them on the phone. Since the last time I used them, I have an open claim with them because my daughter cracked her phone screen, and she doesn't wanna send it in to get it fixed, so it’s just sitting there. And when we bought a new iPhone X, the deals from Apple were better, price wise. With AppleCare, when you have a problem with your phone like you're pressing a button that should work and it doesn't work, they’ll tell you what you're doing wrong and they'll be polite about it. Where with SquareTrade, they're not there to help you get the phone to work. They’re there to make sure they fix it.

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Original review: June 26, 2019

I paid $8.99/month for 8 months before I cracked my screen.. Unfortunately the deductible for a screen repair is the EXACT SAME cost as paying for it to be repaired/replaced at the Apple Store. I can't imagine why or how this plan is worth it. Even if it were a more serious repair (ie water damage) I could replace the phone for under $400 so I can't see the justification in paying $108/year with a $150 deductible. I am 99% certain the plan showed me a $50 deductible for screen replacement when I signed up for it, but I guess I should have read the fine print.

The thing that will prevent me from ever considering SquareTrade again for any other devices is the requirement to call to cancel. I hate this practice by the companies that use it and it's always a sure sign to me that I won't do business with them again. I'm sure I'll get some BS explanation as a response to this, but there is no justifiable reason why, after providing credentials to log into my account, I can't simply click a couple buttons and cancel. Instead I have to call through a bunch of prompts and talk to a guy who wants to resell me on it without addressing my main issue.

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SquareTrade response

Hello Scott,

We apologize for any dissatisfaction with our warranty pricing.

Squaretrade offers warranties for a wide variety of price points, though which are available depend on your product and where your policy is purchased. We do our best offer fair prices across the board, as well as 24/7 customer support and a wider variety of resolutions than many of our competitors. We also work diligently to ensure our advertising is accurate and provide customers access to view or modify their warranty via our website or mobile app.

We also apologize for any misunderstanding regarding your warranty cancellation, as calling us is not necessary to cancel your plan. We will be reviewing your claim to address any miscommunication regarding this, as warranties can be cancelled via our website.

Thank you,


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Customer increased Rating by 4 stars!
T of Brooklyn, NY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 26, 2019

I filed a claim to have my cracked Apple watch repaired/replaced. Apple stated they don't repair the watch, only replace it. I sent the old watch to Apple. Got the new watch after SquareTrade authorized the claim. Now they are dragging to pay the claim even though they authorized it. They want Genius Bar Work Authorization form and paid receipt showing both the damage watch and replacement watch serial numbers. Apple provided me a invoice which I sent to SquareTrade. SquareTrade is stating it only has the damage watch serial number on the receipt and needs to have both the old and new watch on the receipt. That I also need a work authorization form. And that the repair ID on the invoice i submitted is not verifiable. So I created the repair ID? That doesn't even make sense.

All of these things can be verified thru Apple with one phone call or one email. Now they are making me get all kind of forms to send them. It's ridiculous. Definitely NOT worth the hassle for the money. Stick to Apple Care. Now, SquareTrade is telling me if the required documents is not received by a certain time they will cancel my coverage and refund my money. It goes to show you how garbage the company is. First it was documents needed, now it's, 'if you don't send documents by said date we will cancel your whole policy.' Doesn't even make sense. What does my claim have to do with canceling my coverage? There's better out there and SquareTrade is definitely not it. I REPEAT, DO NOT INVEST OR WASTE YOUR MONEY IN THIS COMPANY.

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SquareTrade response

Hello T S,

We greatly apologize for any difficulty with your claim.

Squaretrade does our best to ensure our claims process is expeditious and straightforward, though in your case there was an initial discrepancy regarding your repair invoice. This has since been resolved and we're currently processing your payment. We understand this was a difficult process and this is never what we want for our customers, when this was brought to our attention we reached out to discuss this situation with you.

Based on our conversation we came to a result satisfactory for both parties, as well as determined the root cause of some of the difficulty you encountered. We again apologize for this experience and we will be extensively reviewing your claim to see where we can improve, we thank you for your patience and bringing this matter to our attention.

Thank you,


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Alice of Woodstock, GA Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 26, 2019

I have an HVL in one desktop computer and I'm glad I had the SquareTrade protection plan for it. I filed a claim because it kept knocking off the internet and the customer service team did the best they could. I wish I had the little service on a tiny computer that I have. I paid a thousand dollars for it and it couldn't be fixed. So I'm out that money.

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Youdline of Hollywood, FL Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 26, 2019

I gave an iPhone 5C to my daughter and since I know things happen with kids, I had it on a protection plan. So when it stopped working, I filed a claim with SquareTrade and they made me go to Apple. They said Apple would take care of me, however, Apple said the phone was out of warranty so they wouldn't do it. I had to let SquareTrade know and they told me I am eligible for the refund, but I still had not sent the phone in because I work so much. It wasn’t an easy claims process but it wasn’t difficult either. Square Trade gave me one option in the beginning and was going based off everything they had to do. That didn’t work but they still had a second option for me to do. So, that was pretty good. I also had good interactions with their reps. Having filed that claim, I found the extended warranty to be very valuable. I'm gonna put down all my items.

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Jia of Little Neck, NY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 25, 2019

The item I purchased wasn't working. I contacted my manufacturer and they told me that I have a warranty. I had a good experience dealing with SquareTrade. Though filing a claim wasn't easy, I understood their procedures and followed them. Their rep asked me all the information they needed and she created a case for me. They were very helpful and I was 100% satisfied.

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Leanne of Bethel, OH Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 24, 2019

I am a high school teacher who purchased an electric pencil sharpener with the protection plan. I know how hard students are on pencil sharpeners and that they usually break. Mine stopped working and I'm guessing that a student got frustrated since it wasn't working and broke the case. Because I didn't lie on the website and said what happened, they won't replace it. So beware..Use correct words like 'mechanical failure' or 'electrical failure' only when filing your claim. Don't tell the truth because that doesn't make any difference. Just another frustration to add to a classroom without a way to sharpen pencils. And yes, it is my fault because I should have noticed right away that it wasn't working.

SquareTrade response

Hello Leanne,

We apologize for any miscommunication regarding our warranties.

When this was brought to our attention a Squaretrade specialist reached out to discuss the situation with you, as well as to explain the differences in some of the warranties our company offers. Based on our conversation we hope to have improved your experience and we greatly appreciate the time you took to speak with us.

Thank you,


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Luis of Miami, FL Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 24, 2019

I got a Festool Rotex at Amazon price tag $599 + tax and got the warranty protection for $65. On Thursday I was sanding my kitchen cabinets and it slip out of my hands and landed in sink on top of a plate. It got a little water on the outside surface of the tool, I immediately I immediately unplug the tool immediately unplug the tool and dried it. I left it to dry overnight. The next day it was working fine, worked all the with it, no problem. Saturday it did not turned on. I called SquareTrade, they told me the warranty did not cover water damage. I told them, my tool was never submerge in water. They offer me the cost of the warranty back. This is a scam.

SquareTrade response

Hello Luis,

We're sorry we were unable to approve your recent claim.

Squaretrade offers Standard and Accidental Protection plans, each of which offer varying degrees of coverage. The policy covering your product was a Standard plan, of which protects against hardware and electrical failures due to normal usage. Unfortunately this plan does not cover against physical or liquid damage, this is why we were unable to approve your claim.

Squaretrade works to ensure our plans are advertised properly and we also provide customers access to their warranties at anytime via our website or mobile app. If desired we can also provide a copy of the warranty contract via email or hard copy upon request which provides more details regarding your policy coverage.

Since we were unable to service this product we have processed a full refund of your warranty purchasing price. We again apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,


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Leticia of Dallas, TX Verified Reviewer
Original review: June 24, 2019

I bought a gaming laptop for my son and Squaretrade Warranty along with it at Costco. Two weeks passed by and my son had damaged the keyboard because he cleaned it with a wipe that was too damp. The keyboard had many rows of keys that were unresponsive, so I filed a claim and sent it. It was amazing at first, very nice customer service and easily fixed. However after it got sent back to me the unresponsive keyboard problem came back after only two days. I sent it again on June 19 and my claim is yet to be approved. Last time my claim got approved the following day. It is a very important laptop since my son uses it for school. So we have to go to the library now for him to do his homework. It would be greatly appreciated if the company could send us a check for us to buy another laptop ASAP, and choose one that is best suited for educational purposes.

SquareTrade response

Hello Leticia,

We apologize for any difficulty with your item's recent repair.

Squaretrade does our best to ensure customer's items are properly serviced. We do so by utilizing certified technicians who extensively test your product before and after the repair. If the item returns from repair experiencing failures we have processes in place to have these concerns addressed, as have been used in this instance.

Squaretrade has approved a new claim for the item and it is currently undergoing service. If our technicians are unable to repair the issue we will follow up with you to explain what alternative resolutions can be provided, we again apologize for your experience.

Thank you,


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Elizabeth of Hazel, KY Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 24, 2019

I purchased a SquareTrade protection plan for a gaming headset, and we usually get protection plans for anything that offers them. I filed a claim when the headset was broken. The plan is very valuable. I would recommend people who get stuff from Walmart to get the protection plan, because they were very helpful.

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William of Silver Spring, MD Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 24, 2019Square

I purchased a SquareTrade protection plan through Amazon for a Fitbit that I purchased. One time, the screen got completely shattered. I submitted a claim and the guy from SquareTrade helped me out. In about a week, they got me a new Fitbit altogether.

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T. of Pa, PA Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 23, 2019

I always get a protection plan for every item that I got. When I sent in a claim for damage to a product, SquareTrade was horrible. It takes forever for them to answer the phone. They don’t really like helping you out. The manager winds up having to get on there, and then when you do get somebody after that, they wind up transferring you. If somebody else gives you the information, I wind up getting it emailed to me. It's not a smooth progress at all. Things should be more streamlined when you're working with another company.

I'm paying for something I'm not getting. SquareTrade gotta get their customer service game up. You can enter a number for them to call you back, but you're still gonna be held off for about half an hour to 45 minutes. And then, when you call there, they act like they don’t know what you're talking about. They're quick to take money, but not quick to help you.

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Robert of Milton, GA Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 22, 2019

My television broke and it wouldn’t show a picture anymore. SquareTrade was not able to replace it so they sent me a check for what I paid for the television. It surprised me that they were not able to find a comparable model and send it to me. But overall, the claims process went smooth and I got reimbursed within two weeks.

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Barbara of Harrisburg, IL Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer
Original review: June 22, 2019

My iPad would be on for a few minutes and it would shut down. I turn it back on and it would shut back down. And the battery wouldn't stay charged. So I filed a claim to SquareTrade, and the rep said it was something where you put the charger in. They said they fixed it, and everything was working fine.

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