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Rename Shortcut After Effects

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Adobe After Effects Shortcuts – Windows & Mac Posted May 21, 2019 230 Views 0 Likes 2 Comments by My e-Learning Hub Share twitter facebook Google+ pinterest. Rename selected layer, composition, folder, effect, group, or mask ↩ Open selected layer, composition, or footage item ↩ Move selected layers, masks, effects, or render items down (back) or up (forward).

Work smarter! In this post we share the essential shortcuts for Adobe After Effects.

If you are new to After Effects or just want to tighten up your post production skills, here are 10 shortcuts that will save you time and have you working more efficiently. This is a follow up to my previous 5 After Effects Tips & Tricks for Video Editors post.

One quick note: as you’ll see below there is a difference in Mac vs PC keys. For Windows users the Command key is Control and Option is Alt.

1. Add Footage to After Effects Comp

Mac: Command + / PC: Control +/

Using this shortcut is much quicker than dragging layers (footage, images, etc) into your AE composition. Simply select the footage in the project, hit the shortcut and it will automatically be added to the AE comp.

2. Move a Layer Up/Down

Mac: Command + [ or ] PC: Control + [ or ]

Select a layer in your comp and use the shortcut to move it up or down the layers. Add shift to the shortcut to instantly move the chosen layer to the top or bottom of the stack. This is much quicker and more accurate than dragging a layer up and down with the mouse.

3. Select a Layer in your AE Comp

Select a number on the number keypad (both Mac & PC)

This is a super simple shortcut that let’s you pick a number on a numeric keypad (if you’re using one). Whatever number you select will select that layer in your AE composition.Press the number on the keypad for the layer you want to select in the Composition.

4. Toggle Between Selection Tool & Other Tools

Temporarily switch to another tool by holding it down. Then, let go to get back to the selection tool. Simple, but actually a significant timesaver.

5. Creating New Layers in AE

Create a new solid on Mac: Command + Y
Create a new solid on PC: Control + Y

New adjustment layer on Mac: Option + Command + Y
New adjustment layer on PC: Alt + Control + Y

Depending on your workflow, these are two good shortcuts to commit to memory. You can use solids as vignettes or use them to apply an effect onto (then use Screen Mode to remove black and see just the effect). Adjustment layers are transparent layers that you can mask and add effects to, while affecting all the layers beneath them.

6.Deselect a Layer

Mac & PC: F2

Using F2 is a quick way to make sure nothing is selected in your project. This avoid having the wrong layers selected by accident have having to use a ton of undos to get back on track.

7. Fit to Comp Width

Mac: Option + Shift + Command + H PC: Alt + Shift + Control + H

This handy shortcut will quickly scale a layer in your composition to fit the entire composition’s width – super useful when working with shapes or adjustment layers.

8. Zoom to 100%

Mac& PC: /

Rename shortcut after effects file

Use this hotkey want to see your work at 100% magnification. Adding Shift (so, Shift + /) will make it fit the entire composition window.

9. Create New AE Composition

Mac: Command + N PC: Control + N

Any complex AE project requires tons of individuals compositions, so it’s worth committing this shortcut to memory. Once a new comp is created you can change the preset, pixel aspect ratio, frame rate and duration. The shortcut for “Composition Settings” is Command/Control + K.

Rename keyboard shortcut

10. Ram Preview

Mac & PC: 0 on the number pad

Using the shortcut for RAM Preview is much quicker than clicking the “Ram Preview” button in the Info panel. To make speed up your work even faster, for every other frame ram preview just add Shift + O.

For a full list of Adobe After Effects shortcuts, visit the official reference guide here. Also, it’s worth noting that you can change of any of these shortcuts to fit your own workflow and needs. To do so, use the KeyEd UP script that you can download from Adobe here.

Do you have any favorite AE shortcuts? Share them in the comments below!

Use composition markers and layer markers to store commentsand other metadata and mark important times in a composition orlayer. Composition markers appear in the time ruler for the composition,whereas layer markers each appear on the duration bar of a specificlayer. Both kinds of markers can hold the same information.

Markers can refer to a single point in time or to a duration.

Composition markers in After Effects correspond to sequence markersin Adobe Premiere Pro. Layer markers in After Effects correspondto clip markers in Adobe Premiere Pro.

When you render a composition that contains markers, the markerscan be converted to web links, chapter links (chapter points), orcue points, depending on the output format and values that you setin the marker dialog box. Markers can also be exported as XMP metadata.(See XMPmetadata.)

The default comment for a composition marker is a number, whereasthe default comment for a layer marker is nothing.

A marker that contains link or cue point data has a small dotin its icon.

A. composition marker with duration of 1 second B. compositionmarker with cue-point data C. layermarker with duration of 2 seconds D. layermarker with cue-point data


Markers make it easier to align layers or thecurrent-time indicator with specific points in time: When you draga keyframe, the current-time indicator, or a layer duration barin the Timeline panel, hold down Shift to snap these items to markers.

You can add markers during a preview or audio-only preview, which allows you to place markers at significant points in the audio track of a layer.

Dragging a marker in point changes the marker's time and dragging a marker out point changes the marker's duration. You cannot simultaneously change the marker time and duration.

  • To view or edit a data for a marker, double-click the marker, or right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the marker and choose Settings.
  • To move a marker to a different time, drag the marker or double-click it and enter a time in the dialog box.
  • To set the duration of a composition or layer marker, drag the marker's out point in the Timeline panel. Marker icons split by half to clearly indicate the marker in point and out point.
  • To set a marker's duration by dragging, hold the Option (macOS) or Alt (Windows) key, then click the marker icon and drag to the right.
  • To change the duration of a marker, click and drag the marker out point icon; you do not need to hold Option/Alt.
  • To automatically create layer markers for a layer based on the temporal metadata in the layer’s source file, select the Create Layer Markers From Footage XMP Metadata preference in the Media & Disk Cache preferences category. This preference is on by default.
  • To synchronize layer markers on a precomposition layer to corresponding composition markers for the source composition, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a layer marker and choose Update Markers From Source. This command also removes any markers that you have added to the layer.


If the layer uses a file (rather than a composition) as its source, this command restores the layer markers to those representing the temporal XMP metadata for the source file.

If you add one composition to another, the original compositionbecomes nested as a layer in the containing composition. All ofthe composition markers from the nested composition become layermarkers in the timeline of the containing composition. These markersare not linked to the original composition markers. Changes thatyou make to the composition markers in the original composition donot affect layer markers in the nested composition. For example,if you remove one of the original composition markers, the correspondinglayer marker for the nested composition remains in place.

Scripts and expressions can read and use data stored in markers.Because XMP metadata for source footage items can be converted tolayer markers, expressions and scripts can work with XMP metadata.

Composition markers appear as small trianglesin the time ruler in the Timeline panel. You can have any numberof composition markers in a composition.

If you remove anumbered composition marker, the other markers remain numbered asthey were. If you change the comment from the default number, thatnumber may be reused by a composition marker created later.

Therecan be at most one composition marker beginning at each time. Ifyou add or move a composition marker to start at the same pointin time as another composition marker, the added or moved markerreplaces the other marker.


For alternativekeyboard shortcuts, see Markers(keyboard shortcuts).

  • To add a blank composition marker at the current time, make sure that no layer is selected, and choose Layer > Add Marker or press * (multiply) on the numeric keypad.


Pressing * during a preview or audio-only preview adds a marker at the current time without interrupting the preview.

  • To add a composition marker at the current time and open the marker dialog box, make sure that no layer is selected, and press Alt+* (Windows) or Option+* (Mac OS) on the numeric keypad.
  • To add a composition marker from the bin, drag the marker from the Comp Marker Bin button.

  • To add a numbered composition marker at the current time, press Shift + a number key (0–9) on the main keyboard.


If the number you press is already used by another composition marker, After Effects does not create a new marker. Instead, it moves the existing marker with that number to the new position.

  • To remove a composition marker, drag the marker to the Comp Marker Bin button or Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the marker.
  • To lock all composition markers on a composition, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a marker on the composition, and choose Lock Markers.

Layer markers appear as small triangles onthe duration bar of a layer. You can have any number of layer markerson a layer.

Layer markers are retained when you render andexport a movie to a QuickTime container.

Magic iso crack key. Note:

Foralternative keyboard shortcuts, see Markers(keyboard shortcuts).

  • To add a layer marker to selected layers at the current time, choose Layer > Add Marker or press * (multiply) on the numeric keypad.
Rename shortcut mac


Pressing * during a preview or audio-only preview adds a marker at the current time without interrupting the preview.

  • To add a layer marker at the current time and open the marker dialog box, press Alt+* (Windows) or Option+* (Mac OS) on the numeric keypad.
  • To remove a layer marker, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the marker.
  • To remove all layer markers from selected layers, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a marker, and choose Delete All Markers.
  • To lock all layer markers on a layer, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a marker on the layer, and choose Lock Markers.
  • To replace all layer markers with markers containing temporal metadata from the source file for the layer, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a layer marker and choose Update Markers From Source.


In After Effects CS6 or later, adding a layer marker no longer deselects other objects (masks, and effects, for example).

You can assign color labels to Composition and Layer markers. By default, markers have no color. To change the color label of a marker, follow these steps:

  1. Change the New Label property. To define color labels, select Preferences > Labels.

Paul Tuersley provides a script on the AE Enhancers forum for splitting layersat layer markers.

Lloyd Alvarez provides scripts on the After Effects Scripts websitethat do the following:

  • Magnum, the Edit Detector automatically detects edits in a footage layer and places a layer marker at each edit (or splits the layer into a separate layer for each edit).

  • Zorro, the Layer Tagger allows you to tag layers and then select, shy, and solo layers according to their tags. The tags are appended to comments in the Comments column in the Timeline panel and can also be added as layer markers.

  • Layer Marker Batch Editor edits marker attributes on all selected layers, including Flash cue point attributes.

Jeff Almasol provides scripts on his redefinery website thatdo the following:

  • rd_CopyMarkers copies layer markers from one layer to any number of other layers.

  • rd_KeyMarkers creates new layer markers (either on the selected layer or on a new null layer) with comments that provide information about keyframes at the same times.

  • rd_MapTextFileToMarkers sets keyframes for the Source Text property of a text layer and sets the values to text from a text file. The keyframes are placed at times specified by layer markers on the text layer.

  • rd_MarkerNavigator creates a panel that makes navigating to markers and viewing their comments and other values very convenient.

  • rd_RemoveMarkers automatically removes markers from selected layers based on specified criteria (e.g., all markers in work area).

  • rd_Scooter creates a panel with controls for moving various combinations of items in time, including layer In point, layer Out point, layer source frames, keyframes, and markers.

  • rd_CountMarkers shows the number of markers on the selected layer.

To view video tutorials on working with markers, cuepoints, and XMP metadata go to the Adobe website:

  • Converting metadata and markers to cue points: video tutorial demonstrating using Soundbooth, Flash Professional, and After Effects to create and use cue points.

  • Using markers and cue points: video overview of markers in Premiere Pro and After Effects.

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