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Skyrim Se Carry Weight Mod

Skyrim Se Carry Weight Mod 5,9/10 1895 votes

Nov 04, 2016  About this mod. Version 1.1.1 - This is a all in one FOMOD installer for Nexus Mod Manager. Version 1.1.2 - Fixed the installer. Options 10x, 25x 50x and 100x should all install properly now. Version 1.1.3 - Added a -200 from the base carry weight (300) to the optional section and updated the installer. Installer text update. The Best 'Skyrim' Mods for Console Players. S kyrim: Special Edition brings a prettier Skyrim to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It adds a ring with 1,000 extra carry weight, and a second with.

Skyrim Console Commands are an essential tool that players use to enter cheats into the game. To enter Skyrimcheats into the PC Commands Console, hit ~ (or the key above Tab) to bring up the developer console, and enter these codes for the desired effect. Console commands are NOT case-sensitive.

Note: Some console command cheats can cause bugs later on, or cause situations which may 'break' certain quests. If you're unsure of your game's stability, don't save your game after using the command and disable autosaves in the main menu.

Most Useful SkyrimCheats

Here are the console commands that players might find most useful to have on-hand during their time in Skyrim. Remember to check the Item Codes list for the Add Item cheat.

Turn God Mode on / off
(also adds infinite stamina / magicka)
Toggle clipping on / off
Toggle AI Detection
(doesn't work during pickpocketing)
Toggles non-combat AI on / off
Toggles combat AI on / off
(Can be used with TAI to
completely disable all NPCs)
ModAV carryweight [#]
Set carry weight to specified number
AddShout [Shoud ID]
Add shout to player skill list.
Player.AddItem [item ID] [#]
Add item to inventory. Example:
'player.additem f 100' adds 100 gold
Player.SetLevel [#]
Sets the player level.
Note: Does not grant
commensurate experience
Player.AddPerk [perk ID]
Adds the specified perk.
AdvSkill [[[[[Skill skill]] skill]]] [#]
Gives player the specified number of Skill-based experience points.
Amounts vary from skill to skill.
[Item/NPC ID] [#]

Spawns item / NPC near player.
(Can be used with AI commands for hilarious effect)

Level Up

El pensamiento salvaje .pdf. To increase your abilities in any given skill tree, you can use the console commands to your advantage in two ways:

  • Add individual perks to each skill tree
  • Add experience to each skill tree
    (This will also help you level up quickly)


This is our reccommended method of increasing your skills / adding perks. While it may take a bit longer, it will also grant extra experience and allow you to craft an personalized set of skills wiith points, instead of entering in individual perk codes.

AdvSkill [[[Skill Skill]] ID] [#] to grant yourself a certain amount of experience in a given skill category. The value of experience points varies from skill to skill, so we suggest choosing a skill you want to become HIGHLY proficient in (maybe.. all of them?) and starting there.

The table below indicates how many experience points will increase each skill by one level. In terms of overall player level, it takes an increasing and variable amount of XP to level up, so feel free to use the player.setlevel [#] command.

Heavy Armor
Light Armor

To add individual perks, use the console command player.addperk [perk ID]
(Consult our list of Perk IDs on the Item Codes page).

Skyrim Se Carry Weight Mod

For example, to add the Sneaking perk 'Silent Roll,' enter
player.addperk 105F23 into the command console. While the skill will turn gray in the skills menu (normally indicating that you are under-level for the desired perk), you will still be able to utilize it's abilities. Alternatively, you could pre-empt this process by using the player.setlevel ##

All Skyrim Console Commands

  • tgm - Toggles God mode (Invincibility, infinite carry weight)
  • tcl - Toggles No-clip mode (Fly, walk through walls)
  • coc 'Location' - Teleports you to that location, An all item room is coc QASmoke.
  • psb - Give all spells to player
  • player.advlevel - Force a Level Up ( No perk points added)
  • caqs - Complete all Quest Stages
  • tmm,1 - Toggle Map Markers
  • tfc - Free camera
  • saq - Start all quests (Warning: Not a good idea!)
  • qqq - Quit the game
  • coc qasmoke - Testing hall (You'll have your items, enchanted items may crash game)
  • tai - Toggle Artificial Intelligence (Freezes enemies)
  • tcai - Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (Freezes enemies)
  • tg - Toggle grass
  • tm - Toggle menus, HUD
  • tfow - Toggle FOW
  • kill - Kill targeted thing
  • resurrect - Resurrects targeted thing
  • unlock - Unlocks targeted locked thing
  • lock X - Lock targeted chests, doors or even people, where X is the difficulty level of the lock (0 - 100)
  • killall - Kill all nearby enemies
  • removeallitems - Removes all items of targeted NPC
  • movetoqt - Teleport to quest target
  • enableplayercontrols - Enable controls during cinematics
  • tdetect - Toggle AI Detection (Avoid getting caught stealing)
  • setownership - Changes ownership of target so you can steal it
  • duplicateallitems - Duplicate items (Target container or NPC and copy the RefID)
  • fov XXX - Change field of view.
  • advancepclevel - Increase your Level
  • advancepcskill (skillname) X - Increase skill level
  • advskill [skill] XXX - Increase targeted skill by XXX amount
  • setpcfame - Set targeted character's fame
  • setpcinfamy - Set targeted character's infamy
  • player.modav [attribute name] [amount] - Apply modifier (+ or -) to the named attribute or skill. Skills are entered as they appear in-game, without spaces or quotes, except for Speech and Archery, which are 'speechcraft' and 'marksman' respectively. Attributes are things like 'health' or 'carryweight', again without spaces or quotes. NOTE: Using the modav command will cause attributes modified by it to always appear in green, as the game thinks they've been buffed. You can try 'setav' instead (untested), but in other Bethesda games this has sometimes led to permanent problems.
  • player.modav carryweight X - Set Carry Weight
  • player.modav burden X - Increase Burden by X
  • player.modav Dragonsouls X - Add Dragon's Souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts.
  • player.setav speedmult X - Increase movement speed, where X is a multiplier (percentage)
  • player.setav Stamina X - Set Stamina
  • player.setav Health X - Set health
  • player.setcrimegold X - Set to 0 if you want it to be free
  • player.setav Magicka X - Set Magicka
  • player.setlevel X - Set Level
  • player.placeatme X - Spawns an NPC at your location, where X is NPC ID
  • player.setscale X - Change scale of player, where X=1 is normal
  • player.IncPCS [Skill Name] - Increase the level of targeted Skill by one.
  • showracemenu - Brings up the race selection/character customization menu. NOTE: This will reset your character to level 1 and all your skills to their initial base values.
  • [target].getavinfo [attribute] - This will display a short list of information about the given attribute (health, skills, etc.) of the specified target. You can omit '[target].' if you first click on the target with the mouse, or you can replace it with 'player.' if you want the info on your character. For example:[br/]player.getavinfo lightarmor
  • player.additem XXXXXXXX '###'- Adds items based on Item Codes, where XXXXXXXX is the item code, and ### is the amount you want.
  • player.additem 0000000f '999' - Add 999 Gold
  • player.additem 0000000a '100' - Add 100 Lockpicks
  • player.addperk XXXXXXXX - add perks based on perk codes, i.e. player.addperk 000c44b8 would add the adept alteration perk, found on the Item Codes page. Make sure your skill level is high enough to have the perk before you enable it or it may not work properly and that you add any multi-tier perks in order.
    • help - List console commands
  • help keyword X - Search by the keyword, number is search mode, listed in 'help' commands

Video of TCL (No-Clip) Fly Mode[edit]

For other uses, see Encumbrance.

Encumbrance affects the total amount of weight of items a character can carry in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Maximum carrying capacity is a crucial element of all Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim included.

Effect on movementEdit

The weight of an object is displayed within the Item Menu. The default carrying limit is 300. Exceeding this limit causes the Dragonborn to become encumbered, preventing them from running or sprinting. Additionally, encumbered individuals cannot use carriages or Fast Travel (unless riding a horse). When playing on PSVR being encumbered causes the teleport range to be significantly shorter.

Means of improvementEdit

Carrying capacity can be improved by a number of means:

  • Leveling up Stamina increases carrying capacity by 5 per level.
  • The Steed Stone adds 100 and negates the weight of worn armor.
  • The 'Extra Pockets' PickpocketPerk increases carrying capacity by 100.
  • The 'Unhindered' Light Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Light Armor to zero.
  • The 'Conditioning' Heavy Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Heavy Armor to zero.
  • Obtaining unique armor:
    • Thieves Guild Armor adds 20 (or 35 if upgraded after completing 'Scoundrel's Folly').
    • The mask belonging to Dragon PriestVolsung adds 20.
    • Guild Master's Armor adds 50.
    • Blackguard's Armor adds 50.
    • The Locket of Saint JiubDG adds 50.
    • Deathbrand BootsDR add 10 to carry capacity for each piece of Deathbrand ArmorDR worn, for a maximum of 40
  • Taking a Fortify Carry Weightpotion temporarily increases carrying capacity by an amount proportional to the strength of the potion. The Slow Time shout can be used together with the potions to increase the duration of the effect.
  • The WerewolfBeast Form power temporarily adds a static 1,900 carry weight limit.
  • Followers and Spouses can be used to carry extra items, although they too have their own limit that cannot be exceeded. (Total carrying capacity is approximately 290 units of weight)
    • However, it is possible to use the glitch in Multiple Followers to gain 3 to 4 followers, thus effectively multiplying the player's total capacity to 1,000 units of weight. This can be performed using Cicero and Dark Brotherhood Initiates, along with a fourth companion.
    • Followers can also benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, although this is bugged. Should their original (unfortified) limit be exceeded, only one item or stack of items can be added, then the menu must be closed and reopened to add more, up to the absolute maximum capacity.
  • Fortify Carry Weight enchantments may be applied to Rings, Amulets, Boots and Gauntlets, increasing carrying capacity relative to enchanting skill (having the Insightful Enchanter perk and all 5 Enchanter perks make the enchantments most effective).
    • The maximum possible enchantment acquired from Fortify Carry Weight with the above perks active and a Grand Soul Gem or Black Soul Gem is an increase to encumbrance by 34 points. This can be further increased to 38 points with the Seeker of Sorcery reward from 'Black Book: The Sallow Regent.' The maximum benefit is gained if a Fortify Enchanting potion is used together with Ahzidal's Genius allowing a player to increase this even more.
  • Using the console commands:
    • tgm – (Toggle God Mode) will enable running, sprinting, and fast-traveling while encumbered, but will not remove limitations on the use of carriages.
    • player.ModAV Carryweight <#> – will permanently increase your carrying capacity by '#' points.

Circumventing encumbranceEdit


  • Drawing a bow will add a small amount of speed when encumbered. This is enhanced by the 'Ranger' Archery Perk, which allows faster movement with a drawn bow.
  • Walking forward and using a melee power attack while encumbered helps the Dragonborn gain additional ground, making for faster travel while encumbered. If the weapon is sheathed before the actual swing of the weapon takes place, the Dragonborn still moves forward, but no stamina is lost. If the Dragonborn has the Dual Flurry perk from One-handed, using the third person camera and wielding two weapons, using power attack and sheathing, will cause a short sprint almost as fast as a full-blooded run.
  • The Whirlwind Sprintshout can be used while encumbered to briefly speed up travel. The more words are used, the longer and faster one can travel.
  • Manually moving an item can be used to carry a heavy item if the Dragonborn would be encumbered by carrying it normally. Dropping the item(s) (in a stack if need be) and holding 'Activate' on them allows them to be dragged. Held objects do not add to encumbrance weight, so sprinting is possible without losing anything. This is particularly useful when hauling Dragon Bones or firewood.
  • Depositing items in a small dead body, such as a skeever, can be particularly useful, for it can hold any number of items.
  • Another way to overcome encumbrance is to place excessive items on a dead body before raising it as a Dead Thrall. This will allow it to be used as a 'pack mule' to temporarily carry extra items.
    • Theoretically, a Dead Thrall can also benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, but this only works if the armor they were wearing was enchanted. In other words, it is possible to remove the corpse's armor to enchant it, then replace it on the dead body. It will not be possible to enchant armor which the character did not wear in life and have them wear it. Corpses which were equipped with more clothing slots when they were alive will fully maximize the value of this enchantment, because the more armor they wore in life, the higher the carry weight they can benefit from.
  • Alternatively, the player can purchase a house and store items in any container without fear of said items disappearing. The items will stay in the chest until taken back out.
    • There are certain free houses such as Anise's and Drelas' homes, both of which contain safe storage containers, if the player elects not to purchase properties.
    • If all else fails, the Abandoned House in Markarth is free to use, being a place with permanently safe containers, regardless of whether the Dragonborn is Thane or not.
  • The Dremora ButlerDR ability acquired as a reward for completing 'Black Book: Untold Legends' will allow the player to transfer a total of 248 base carrying weight to a temporary servant for 15 seconds.
  • As with the werewolf, transforming into a Vampire LordDG will allow movement at the vampire lord's regular pace, making travel faster than in reverted form, even if the player has exceeded normal carrying limit.
  • Horses can be used when carrying too much to travel faster. If suddenly encumbered and no visible horse is within the player's reach, use of the Summon ArvakDG spell will summon a horse anytime outdoors. However, while Arvak appears on Solstheim and in Blackreach, the horse does not show up in the Forgotten Vale.
  • Werewolves travel at normal speed, despite any apparent encumbrance.
  • If one has a follower, one can drop an item on the floor, and command a them to pick it up. This seems to negate a their weight limit, allowing them to carry an apparently infinite amount of items. Keep in mind that this method will mean one is unable to actually give an item to said follower, however.

Fast TravelEdit

  • Normally, Fast Travel is disabled while encumbered. However this does not apply if riding a horse, making for easier trips back to sell carried goods, especially in towns which allow horses inside the walls.
  • Another option is to dump unlimited amount of heavy equipment into a corpse and reanimate it using a Spell, Staff or power, such as the Resurrection power gained by using The Ritual Stone. The Dragonborn can then fast travel to any destination and the corpse follows. If the time it took is enough for the spell to run its course, the corpse will die again upon reaching the destination, and the Dragonborn can loot the body for all the equipment they gave it initially.
  • If the Dragonborn lacks a reanimation ability, a corpse can be filled and then flung ahead by holding activate to lift it, then dual-casting Lightning Bolt. Care should be taken not to fling it into water.
  • Drinking a 'Draught of Strength' or any other type of fortify carry weight potion and fast travelling before it wears off is a viable option, as it temporarily increases the carry weight capacity. This is similar to the second tip in this section, in that it allows fast travel to start, but once the destination is reached, the potion will have worn off.


This section contains bugs related to Encumbrance (Skyrim). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template 360 / XB1 , PS3 / PS4 , PC / MAC , NX , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.

Skyrim Se Carry Weight Mods

  • PC 360 PS3 Quest items are generally not droppable. Some items, when picked up, may be tracked as quest items, resulting in a 'permanent' loss of carrying capacity. For example, when entering Solitude for the first time and witnessing the execution, if the condemned man's body is looted and his Amulet of Talos taken, it will stay in inventory (seemingly) forever
    • This can often be resolved by completing the quest related to the item. For example, the Amulet of Talos can be removed by finding a little girl running around Solitude and talking to her about her mother going to temple. Afterward, talking to her mother, Greta, will get her to say that she wants the amulet taken from the man's body. Since it is already in inventory, she says, 'Here's something for your trouble.' Nothing is received and the amulet is kept, and the side quest is not removed. However, the amulet can now be dropped.
    • However, most quest items, even ones that display a weight, are weightless, so this should not be a problem.
  • PC 360 PS3 The carry limit for followers is ignored when the follower is told to pick things up using the dialogue option, 'I need you to do something.' However this may not work on multiple items of the same type, which may vanish from the followers inventory.
  • PC 360 PS3 Even after dropping all items and stripping, weight will still remain above zero.
    • PC(fix) This bug can only currently be resolved through console commands.
  • Occasionally on reloading a save the Dragonborn will become encumbered if they are reliant on a Carry Weight increasing enchantment.
    • Opening and closing the inventory usually fixes this.

Discussions about Encumbrance (Skyrim)

Skyrim Carry Weight Modifier

  • invisible carry weight bug

    • I had that problem. One of my mods added weight to Septims. Turns out I had 569 pounds of them on me..
    • wrote:I had that problem. One of my mods added weight to Septims. Turns out I had 569 pounds of them on me.. Damn, i complet..
  • Carry weight drop?

    • Haven’t touched pickpocket. Only made alchemy legendary. I still haven’t found the steed stone either so I’m not sure.
    • Yeah, I don't know what happened then. I guess you might have to go get those to increase your Carry Weight.