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Mass Effect 2 Sniper Upgrades

Mass Effect 2 Sniper Upgrades 8,0/10 7707 votes

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  1. Mass Effect 3 Upgrades

Special items on this mission:

  • Upgrade - Research Project: Sniper Rifle Damage
  • Upgrade - Research Project: Heavy Skin Weave

Once you have the location of the derelict reaper, enter your galaxy map andtravel to Hawking-Eta > Thorne > Derelict Reaper. Dock with this to start themission.

Once aboard, move up and through the first door, around the first corner youwill find a small lab containing two wall safes, a terminal and a work log youcan check out. Further down the hallway you will find another log and a medstation if you need it. Continue down the passage to the right to watch a shortscene.

After the cut scene, you will find yourself on a catwalk of sorts, head forwardand to the left for another work log and then follow the path over to theright. As you reach the explosive crates, a group of husks will attack you.Defeat them and continue down the nearby ramp. At the bottom you will encounterseveral more groups of husks, feel free to retreat back up the ramp if youstart to get crowded. When they are all dead, check out the work log andcontinue onwards.

At the top of the ramp you will see a pair of husks get taken out and be warnedof a sniper in the area. Check the immediate area for a box of power cells, acanister of Refined Platinum, a new Research project (sniper rifle damage) anda terminal that can be used to earn a few easy credits. Continue into the openarea on the left until you head down a small ramp. At the bottom here, fightoff the abominations and husks that climb up from the left and the right andthe large group that charges at you from the far end of the room. Be sure tokeep your eye on the Scion that appears back there as well as they can do a lotof damage in a hurry if you get caught up in its ranged attacks. Once again,retreat a short way if you start to get surrounded or you are likely to beheading back to the previous autosave!

Once the room is clear, go to the back of the room to find a work station, medkit and a hackable research terminal for a new research project (Heavy skinweave) and when you are ready to progress, look to the left of the ramp youentered from to find a tunnel containing a bypassable door. Open the next doorhere for a scene.

After the scene, defend yourself against the horde of husks and abominationsclimbing up onto the catwalk with you. Once the first group is dead, descendthe stairs in front and look to the right to see another group climbing up ontothe walkway. Retreat up the stairs as you are about to have to kill about 20 ofthem with a scion as back up. Once they are all dead (including the scion),cruise down the stairs, around the crates and up the stairs on the other side.

At the very top here you will find a terminal and if you mosey down the catwalkto the left you will find a med kit if you require one. Return to the top ofthe ramp and move a short way past it to trigger another wave of husks. Killthem all before you continue. In this area, pick up the terminal before goingdown the ramp to the right. Find the next pair of stairs leading down and asbefore, as you reach the bottom, husks and abominations will start crawlingover the sides, so return up the ramp and deal with them and then take down thescion when it arrives. Go back down the ramp and mop up any remaining husksbefore climbing the stairs on the opposite side.

At the top of the ramp, look to the right for a terminal, before headingforward down the next ramp. As you reach the bottom, two scions will appear onramps in front of you and a group of abominations and husks will start to climbover the railings. Immediately retreat up the ramp and down the other side alittle. Kill the husks/abominations as they come to get you. Once they aredone, take down the scions from cover – try to save the explosive containersat the bottom of the ramp for when they get close. When the scions are dead,move to the bottom of the ramp and kill any remaining baddies in the area.

Continue around the walkway to the next ramp leading downwards and descend.Eliminate the husks that climb up to meet you and as you do that, you would dowell to notice a pair of scions slowly making their way up a nearby path tomeet you. Retreat and take out the husks before focusing fire on the scions.Mop up any stragglers you may have missed and pick up the power cells in thecorner before making your way along the walkway the scions came from and bypassthe security lock on the door. Grab the Reaper IFF from the console here andsnaffle the contents from the nearby wall safe before heading through the nextdoor.

After the scene, have a quick look at the room, there are three long walkwaysrunning parallel to each other and linked together at the front and back bybridges. At the far end from the entry is the Reaper core. As you approach it,the core will close and send out a pulse of energy that summons bad guys.Within seconds, husks and abominations will begin to climb up onto the left andright platforms, you will need to defend yourself from the onslaught, and forthis I recommend chilling in the back corner of the left platform (there isalso a laptop here to pick up). Note that the reaper core will open whilst youare fighting the smaller enemies so try and get a few sneaky shots in at itwhilst you reach a break in the fighting. Once enough damage has been done toit, the core will seal itself once again and summon another wave of hostiles,continue to defend yourself and pop it when you get the chance until it isdestroyed and a scene ensues. Mission complete!

During the following conversation, be sure to hang onto the Geth that helpedyou and it will join your squad later on.


  • 1,000 XP
  • 50,000 Credits

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