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Half Life 2 Episode 1 Achievements

Half Life 2 Episode 1 Achievements 8,0/10 632 votes

As your train rides into the sunset, or wherever, you receive your well-earned achievement. If you played on Steam, you are now a better player than 99.2% or people who have played Half-Life 2: Episode One. (almost 50% of which didn't even finish the game at all, pathetic quitters).

In What The Headcrab! Episode 19 I talked about a post on Reddit that said that only 1% of people who have played Half-Life 2 had attained all of the statistics. I couldn’t find a page that said only 1% had all achievements but I suspect it was a play on the current 1%/99% theme in today’s world.

Then later that day, I was playing a single player mappack for Black Mesa called Small Lab and I started to get some achievements. The funny thing is that I haven’t even played the game yet and when I do, I might even have most of them attained.

I’ve never been a big fan of achievements but I understand their appeal. Perhaps we could have Attain November, just like we did last year with HARD November?

For those that don’t know, and I didn’t, I had to look it up, here are the achievements per game:
Half-Life 2 has 33, Episode One 13 and Episode Two 22. That’s a total of 68.

Here are my statistics:
Half-Life 2: 20 out of 33 (61%)
Episode One: 3 out of 13 (23%)
Episode Two: 17 out of 22 (77%)

Half-life 3

So that gives me a grand total of 40 out of 68 (59%). Where that puts me on the global total, I have no idea nor do I care. But I am curious to know either because we play mods we are more likely to have reached a higher percentage than non-mod players.

What do you think?

Anyway, here is a vote for your achievements.

What is your total achievements for HL2, Ep1 & Ep2?

  • 81% to 100% (65%, 64 Votes)
  • 61% to 80% (16%, 16 Votes)
  • 41% to 60% (10%, 10 Votes)
  • 21% to 40% (5%, 5 Votes)
  • 0% to 20% (4%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 99

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  • There doesn’t seem to be a statistics page for HL2 – can anybody find one?

The Orange Box for the Xbox 360 has the most achievements of any Xbox 360 game with 99 of them.[1] However, it has only 1000 available gamerscore, whereas Gears of War 3 has the most gamerscore in a single game with 2000.

On its Xbox 360 release, The Orange Box received 99 achievements across all five games on the disc. On their release, the Steam versions of Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal and Team Fortress 2 all saw achievements. Until recently, for Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One, all achievements were exclusive to the Xbox 360. However, in the first days of the Steam UI Beta, all of the Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One achievements were shown on the game's Library/Games page. Users speculated that Valve would include those achievements for the PC, which they did on May 26th, 2010. The PS3 version has no achievements.


Game Score Achievements
Any Half-Life 2 game 40 6
Half-Life 2 275 30
Half-Life 2: Episode One 175 12
Half-Life 2: Episode Two 210 19
Portal 175 15
Team Fortress 2 125 17


Any Half-Life 2 game

There are 6 achievements worth a total of 40 gamerscore shared by the three Half-Life 2 games in The Orange Box. These achievements can be obtained in any game on the console versions, but can only be unlocked in a specific game in the steam versions. (Hack Attack in Half Life 2,[2] Conservationist and Think Fast in Episode 1,[3] and Bone Breaker, Deadly Harvest, and Hot Potat0wned in Episode 2.[4]These achievements were originally only in Episode Two on PC.

Achievement Description Score How-to
Bone Breaker Kill 30 enemies with thrown physics objects 5G Once Gordon gets the Gravity Gun he must use it to pick up items and kill 30 enemies with it (the Gravity Gun must be used for the fatal blow to count).
Deadly Harvest Kill an enemy by planting a Hopper Mine. 5G Once the Combine start using Hopper Mines, Gordon may pick them up with the Gravity Gun. Plant one in an enemy's path so that it activates to kill them. (The achievement will not unlock if the mine is thrown directly like a grenade; it must be planted then tripped.)
Hack Attack! Kill five enemies with a Manhack. 5G Gordon must grab a Manhack with the Gravity Gun and use it to kill an enemy, either thrown as a projectile or held as a melee weapon. The achievement is cumulative; it is not necessary to kill five enemies using a single Manhack.
Hot Potat0wned Kill a Combine soldier with his own grenade. 10G When a Combine soldier throws a grenade at Gordon, he must grab it with the Gravity Gun and fling it back. The original thrower must be caught in the blast for the achievement to unlock.
Conservationist Kill five enemies with the same Energy Ball. 5G Using the alt fire on the AR2 Pulse Rifle, or using the Gravity Gun to control one of many energy balls found in the Citadel (or one fired at him by an Overwatch Elite), this feat can be achieved by firing into a narrow area with 5 or more Combine soldiers and letting it bounce around, killing them. It is possible to catch and fire the same ball multiple times.
Think Fast! Kill an Elite Soldier with his own Energy Ball. 10GElite Soldiers will sometimes fire an energy ball at Gordon. When one does, Gordon must catch it with the Gravity Gun and fling it back. The specific Elite Soldier who fired the Energy Ball must be disintegrated in order for the achievement to unlock.

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 has 32 achievements with 275 gamerscore unique to it.

Achievement Description Score Chapter How-to
Submissive Put the can in the trash. 5GPoint Insertion When instructed by a Civil Protection officer to pick up the soda can and put it in the trash, Gordon must do as he is told and dispose of the can.
Defiant Hit the trashcan cop with the can. 5GPoint Insertion When instructed by a Civil Protection officer to pick up the soda can and put it in the trash, Gordon must throw the can at him instead.
Malcontent Escape the apartment block raid. 5GPoint Insertion Story related.
What cat? Break the mini teleporter in Kleiner's lab. 5G'A Red Letter Day' or Entanglement If Gordon uses the mini teleporter repeatedly, it will eventually break. Piling multiple objects on both ends or trying to teleport one large object might achieve this more quickly.
Trusty Hardware Get the crowbar. 5G'A Red Letter Day' Story related.
Barnacle Bowling Kill five barnacles with one explosive barrel. 5GRoute Kanal While in the sewers Gordon will come to a downward ramp. An explosive barrel will be at the top. Gordon should roll or throw the barrel down so that it is picked up by one of the five barnacles at the bottom. If Gordon shoots the barrel as it nears the top, it will ignite and detonate shortly thereafter, killing the barnacles.
Anchor's Aweigh! Get the Airboat. 5GRoute Kanal Story related.
Heavy Weapons Get the Airboat's mounted gun. 5GWater Hazard Story related.
Revenge! Destroy the Hunter-Chopper. 10GWater Hazard Story related boss fight.
Vorticough Discover the hidden singing Vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard. 13GWater Hazard Gordon just has to meet the All-Knowing Vortigaunt in his cave in a drain near the end of the chapter. Detailed instructions for finding him are on his page.
Zero-Point Energy Get the Gravity Gun in Black Mesa East. 5GBlack Mesa East Story related.
Blast from the Past Find the HEV Suitcharger faceplate in Eli's scrapyard. 10GBlack Mesa EastWhile in the scrapyard where Gordon first gets the Gravity Gun, the face-plate can be found on a ledge next to the airlock which leads back into the power-plant. Gordon may have to use some crates and other items to be able to reach the ledge. Once he's spotted the plate, the achievement will unlock. (On occasion, the achievement can unlock as soon as you enter the area.)
Two Points Use Dog's ball to make a basket in the scrapyard. 2GBlack Mesa East When Dog's 'ball' is available, Gordon needs to pick it up with the Gravity Gun and successfully shoot it through the large basketball hoop on the far wall of the scrapyard. A green light on the hoop will indicate success. It is worth noting that the ball only has to pass through the hoop, and it does not matter whether it is from the top or bottom. Players may find it easier to shoot the ball up instead.
Zombie Chopper Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun. 25G'We Don't Go To Ravenholm...' Gordon must exclusively use the Gravity Gun -- he may not use any other weapon—throughout the Ravenholm chapter. (Using Grigori's various traps will not void this achievement, nor will the act of wielding/switching weapons.) If Gordon even swings his crowbar or fires a single shot from any other weapon in his inventory, regardless of whether he hits a target, the achievement is voided. If successful, the achievement will unlock once Gordon exits the mines into the railyard.
Hallowed Ground Escort Grigori safely through the church cemetery. 5G'We Don't Go To Ravenholm...' Story related.
OSHA Violation Kill 3 enemies using the crane. 5GHighway 17 Unlocked when Gordon uses the electromagnet shipping crane to kill 3 Combine soldiers.
Targeted Advertising Pin a soldier to the billboard in the chapter Highway 17. 5GHighway 17 Visible from the hill where Gordon first finds the crossbow, there is a billboard in the distance. Using the crossbow's scope, Gordon will see a soldier standing in front of the billboard. A successful hit will pin the soldier to the billboard, unlocking the achievement.
Where Cubbage Fears to Tread Defend Little Odessa from the Gunship attack. 5GHighway 17 Story related, also counts towards the One Man Army achievement (see next item).
One Man Army Destroy six Gunships in Half-Life 2. 5G N/A Gordon must kill 6 gunships. There is ample opportunity to do so over the course of the game. Interestingly, in the start menu achievement progress guide, the achievement picture has a '3' in the upper right instead of a '6' as it appears on the Xbox 360 achievement menu.
Keep Off the Sand! Cross the Antlion beach in the chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand. 20GSandtraps From the point where Gordon encounters the two stranded resistance members until the cliff before the Antlion Guard fight, Gordon must not touch the sand (regardless of whether or not it triggers an Antlion attack).
Bug Hunt Use the Antlions to kill 50 enemies. 10GSandtraps and Nova Prospekt Once Gordon gets the Bugbait he can use it to direct the Antlions to attack at enemies. There will be plenty more than 50 of them in the relevant chapters. The Antlions must kill all the enemies in the same playthrough of the game in order to get the achievement.
Flushed Kill an enemy with a toilet. 5GBlack Mesa East, Nova Prospekt Gordon must grab a toilet in Nova Prospekt with the Gravity Gun and fling it at an enemy, killing them. This can also be done in Eli's Scrapyard once the Headcrab Shell hits, as there is a toilet nearby.
Warden Freeman Survive the second turret standoff in Nova Prospekt. 10GEntanglement Story related.
'Radiation Levels Detected' Get through the toxic tunnel under City 17 in Half-Life 2. 5GAnticitizen One Story related.
Plaza Defender Survive the generator plaza standoff in the chapter Anticitizen One. 10GAnticitizen One Story related.
Follow Freeman Gain command of a squad of rebels in the uprising. 10GAnticitizen One Story related.
Counter-Sniper Kill all of the snipers in City 17. 5G'Follow Freeman!' Gordon must throw grenades into the windows where the Combine snipers are. This is mainly story related, but it is possible to miss a sniper and not get the achievement.
Fight the Power Shut down the suppression device by disabling its generators. 10G'Follow Freeman!' Story related.
Giant Killer Survive the rooftop Strider battle in the ruins of City 17. 10G'Follow Freeman!' Story related.
Lambda Locator Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2. 15G'A Red Letter Day' through 'Follow Freeman!' Gordon simply has to grab any item in a found cache to have it recorded. The caches do not all have to be found in the same playthrough of the game.
Atomizer Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field. 10GOur Benefactors and Dark Energy Using the enhanced Gravity Gun, Gordon has to pick up 15 Combine soldiers and throw them into ball generators.
Singularity Collapse Destroy the Citadel's reactor core. 25GDark Energy Story related.
Cut achievements
Catching Air Float five seconds in the air with the airboat.Water Hazard Can be achieved at the dam before Black Mesa East.
Unnamed Find at least one G-Man. In any chapter.
Unnamed Find all G-Men. In most chapters.
Uninvited Guest Kill both Gunships in the Nova Prospekt courtyard.Nova Prospekt Story related.

Episode One

Half-Life 2: Episode One has 12 unique achievements worth 135 gamerscore.

Achievement Description Score Chapter How-to
Grave Robber Steal a Zombine's grenade. 5G Most chapters. When a Zombine pulls a grenade, Gordon must use the Gravity Gun to grab it and throw it.
Zombie-que Use flares to light 15 Zombies on fire. 5GLowlife, Urban Flight When, Gordon picks up a flare, it ignites. Then, he can run up to any zombie and hold the flare against it, causing it to ignite. Gordon may also use the Gravity Gun to pick up and throw a flare. Each flare should be good for at least 2 zombies. There are three locations with flares in Episode One: Right after the train derailment and before the elevator in Lowlife, and in the hospital in Urban Flight.
Watch Your Head! Make it to the bottom of the Citadel's main elevator shaft in one piece. 5GUndue Alarm Story related. Gordon must use the gravity gun to deflect the falling debris before it hits and breaks the elevator. It is easy to miss one, so it is recommended to save after each successful deflection.
Containment Contain the Citadel core. 5GDirect Intervention Story related.
Pacifist Contain the Citadel core without killing any stalkers. 10GDirect Intervention There are 2 stalkers in the core room that reset the Energy Ball holders with their lasers. To get the achievement Gordon cannot kill them, but instead has to move quickly after loading the two ball receptacles that are needed to cross any given bridge. If successful, the achievement is received at the same time as Containment, if Containment is not earned already.
Car Crusher Use the cars to squash 15 antlions in Episode One. 5GLowlife, Urban Flight Gordon must kill 15 antlions by using the Gravity Gun to push a car onto an them.
Elevator Action Survive long enough to get on the parking garage elevator. 10GLowlife Story related. Also a good time to get Zombie-que.
Live Bait Help Alyx snipe 30 enemies in Episode One. 10GUrban Flight When Alyx grabs a sniper rifle, Gordon has to run around and draw enemies out into her view, letting her kill them instead of Gordon. He can use the Gravity Gun to remove obstacles so she can get a clearer shot as well.
Attica! Destroy the gunship in the hospital attic. 5GUrban Flight Story related. A reference to Al Pacino's character shouting 'Attica!' in Sidney Lumet's film Dog Day Afternoon.
Citizen Escort Don't let any citizens die when escorting them to the escape train. 15GExit 17 When escorting citizens from Barney to the train in Exit 17, Gordon must not let any of them die. There are about four trips that must be made without a single citizen death. It is possible to do this while going for The One Free Bullet it just will not be as easy.
Escape From City 17 Escape City 17 with Alyx. 20GExit 17 Story related.
The One Free Bullet Finish the game firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravity Gun kills are okay! 40G Whole game From the time Episode One starts, to its conclusion, only one shot must be fired. The only shot necessary is a padlock on a fence door. Gordon should let Alyx do most of the shooting instead. Awarded at the same time as Escape From City 17 if the conditions are met, the achievement is similar to the Zombie Chopper achievement from Half-Life 2, except that it must be kept up throughout the entire game. The rocket launcher, crowbar, grenades, and the Gravity Gun are allowed to be used. The crossbow is also forbidden.

Episode Two

Half-Life 2: Episode Two has 19 achievements worth 210 gamerscore.

Achievement Description Score Chapter How-to
Grave RobberSteal a Zombine's grenade.5GAny chapter with a Zombine in itWhen a Zombine presents a grenade, Gordon must use the Gravity Gun to steal it from its hand.
Acid ReflexKill an acid Antlion Worker.5GAny chapter that has an Antlion Worker in it.Gordon must kill any of the Antlion Workers found in the Antlion caves.
Get Some GrubSquish every Antlion Grub.20GTo the White Forest, This Vortal Coil and Freeman PontifexWhen going through the first three chapters, Gordon must kill all 333 Antlion Grubs. Many guides can be found on the internet to help locate all of the grubs.
Piñata PartyFind and break every web cache.5GTo the White Forest and This Vortal CoilGordon must go through the chapter breaking open all 9 Antlion Grub caches. The first is found during To the White Forest; the rest are found during This Vortal Coil.
Into the BreachHelp Griggs and Sheckley hold off the antlion invasion inside the mine shaft.5GThis Vortal CoilStory related.
TwoferGordon must defeat both Antlion Guards outside the White Forest.5GFreeman PontifexStory related.
Hit and RunRun over 20 enemies with the car.5GRiding Shotgun, Under the Radar and Our Mutual FiendGordon must kill 20 enemies by running them over with the Muscle Car.
Meet the HuntersSurvive the Hunter ambush with Alyx.10GRiding ShotgunStory related.
Puttin' On a ClinicDefeat the chopper in Episode Two without any misses.15GRiding ShotgunWhen Gordon must kill the Hunter-Chopper by using the Gravity Gun to launch its mines back at it, if he does not miss any shots then the achievement will unlock. It is recommended the player save the game after each successful hit.
Gunishment!Destroy the Combine Autogun in the junkyard.5GUnder the RadarStory related.
Cache CheckerFind every radar cache in chapter Under The Radar.10GUnder the RadarGordon must find all 5 caches in that chapter.
Gordon Propelled RocketUnlock the rocket launcher lambda cache in chapter Under The Radar.5GUnder the RadarThe second lambda cache that Gordon encounters is protected by a brief puzzle that requires him to use a grenade to fling himself onto a previously unreachable platform. Doing so successfully will unlock the achievement.
Pedal to the MetalBeat Dog in a race to White Forest.5GUnder the RadarWhen the race with Dog starts, Gordon must beat him to White Forest base.
Quiet Mountain GetawaySurvive the ambush at the White Forest Inn.10GUnder the RadarStory related.
Little Rocket ManSend the Garden Gnome into space.30GBegins in To The White Forest, ends in Our Mutual FiendVery soon into the game, located in the communications center where Alyx first makes contact with White Forest, Gordon may crouch to find a Garden Gnome lying beneath a low platform. Escort this gnome through the bulk of the game until Gordon arrives at the missile silo at White Forest base. (It is not required that the gnome be with Gordon at all times; there are sections where the gnome can be left behind and retrieved later.) Gordon must place the gnome inside the rocket capsule and close the capsule door in order to unlock the achievement.
Secondary Silo SecuredSecure the launch doors on Missile Silo 2.5GOur Mutual FiendStory related.
Neighborhood WatchSave all buildings outside the missile silo from destruction.35GOur Mutual FiendGordon has to destroy all of the Striders before they can blow up any buildings. Saving after each successful Strider defeat is recommended.
Defensive of the ArmamentSave the missile silo from the Combine offensive.20GOur Mutual FiendStory related. In what amounts to the final boss of Episode Two, the player must take down around ten striders before they reach White Forest. Doing so successfully will unlock this achievement.
PaybackKill a Hunter with its own flechettes.10GAny chapter with a Hunter on itWhen a Hunter fires its flechettes, Gordon must collect them using an object held by the Gravity Gun (such as a tire), then fire that object back at the Hunter in a kill shot. Note: not all objects with flechettes stuck into them will unlock this achievement.


Portal has 14 achievements worth 175 gamerscore and an additional achievement only available on Steam versions of the game, that was a part of the game's ARG.

Achievement Description Score Chapter How-to
Lab Rat Acquire the fully powered Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. 5GTest Chamber 11 Story related.
Fratricide Do whatever it takes to survive. 5GTest Chamber 17 Story related. Achieved after 'euthanizing' the Weighted Companion Cube.
Partygoer Make the correct party escort submission position decision. 5GTest Chamber 19 Story related. Achieved after escaping a fiery death at the metaphorical hands of GLaDOS.
Heartbreaker Complete Portal. 10G End of Test Chamber 19 Story related.
Terminal Velocity Fall 30,000 feet. 5G Any chapter where the Portal Gun is fully powered up. Sometime after upgrading the Portal Gun, Chell should look straight up and place a portal on the ceiling above, then look straight down and place the complementary portal on the floor directly beneath herself. If done correctly, Chell will fall in an endless loop. It will take a few minutes to reach 30,000 feet and have the achievement unlock. It is important that Chell does not move, as this will break the loop.
Long Jump Jump 300 feet. 5G Any test chamber where the Portal Gun is fully powered up. Chell must fly 300 feet through the air with the aid of portals.
Cupcake Beat two Portal advanced maps. 10G Any advanced maps Self-explanatory.
Fruitcake Beat four Portal advanced maps. 20G Any advanced maps Self-explanatory.
Vanilla Crazy Cake Beat all six Portal advanced maps. 30G All advanced maps Self-explanatory.
Basic Science Earn bronze medals on all Portal challenges. 10G All challenge maps After completing the game proper, 6 maps can be replayed for 3 challenges each (Least Time, Least Portals and Least Footsteps), totaling 18. The player must win bronze medals in all 18 challenges in order to unlock the achievement. (Bronze is fulfilled if the player earns the better silver or gold medals.)
Rocket Science Earn silver medals on all Portal challenges. 20G All challenge maps Requires winning silver medals in all 18 challenge maps. This achievement stacks with Basic Science—if the player has won silver in all challenges except for one they haven't played yet, then they win silver on the 18th challenge (bettering bronze on the first attempt), both achievements would unlock simultaneously.
Aperture Science Earn gold medals on all Portal challenges. 40G All challenge maps Requires winning gold medals in all 18 challenge maps. This achievement stacks with Basic Science and Rocket Science.
Camera Shy Detach security cameras from the walls. 5G Test Chambers 2-5, 10, 11, 13, 15-19. Using portals, Chell must detach all 33 detachable cameras in the game, during a single playthrough. Chell will encounter some cameras attached to portal-proof surfaces; since they cannot be detached, they are not part of the requirement.
Friendly Fire Knock down a turret with another turret. 5G Any map containing Sentry Turrets Requires either picking up a turret and bumping it into another turret so it falls down and deactivates, or using portals to cause one turret to fall onto another, also ending in deactivation.
Transmission Received Change the frequency on all 26 radios. N/A Every chamber. Steam only. Requires finding the 26 radios and changing their frequency so that the red sprite turns green. See Portal ARG.

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 has 17 achievements for 125 gamerscore.[5]

Achievement Description Score Map How-to
Turret Accumulate 10 turret kills with a single turret. 5G Any Self-explanatory
Nemesis Get five revenge kills. 5G Any Self-explanatory
Hard to Kill Get five kills in a row without dying. 10G Any Self-explanatory
Master of Disguise Trick an opposing medic into healing you. 15G Any You must disguise your self as the opposing team as a spy and get their medic to heal you.
With Friends Like these... Play in a game with seven or more players from your friends list. 10G Any Self-explanatory
Dynasty Win 20 games. 10G Any Self-explanatory
Hardcore Accumulate 1000 total kills. 15G Any Self-explanatory
Powerhouse Offense Win 2Fort with a shutout. 5G 2Fort Self-explanatory
Lightning Offense Win Well in 5 minutes or less. 10G Well Self-explanatory
Relentless Offense Win Hydro without giving up a capture. 20G Hydro Self-explanatory
Impenetrable Defense Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture. 10G Dustbowl Self-explanatory
Impossible Defense Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture. 30G Gravel Pit Self-explanatory
Head of the Class Play a complete round with every class. 5G Any Self-explanatory
World Traveler Play a complete game on every map. 5G All Self-explanatory
Team Doctor Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic. 5G Any Self-explanatory
Flamethrower Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds. 5G Any Try to get the opposing team in a bunch and light them on fire.
Grey Matter Get 25 headshots as a Sniper. 5G Any Self-explanatory

Half Life 2 Episode 1 Achievements List


  1. 99 Achievements in The Orange Box
  5. There are 520 total Team Fortress 2 achievements for Steam, which is too many to list here.

Half Life 2 Episode 1 Achievements 3

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Half-Lifegame seriesHalf-Life: Day One · Half-Life · Half-Life: Opposing Force · Half-Life: Blue Shift · Half-Life: Decay · Half-Life: Source
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Portalgame seriesPortal: First Slice · Portal · Portal: Still Alive · Portal 2 · Peer Review
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Songs'Exile Vilify' · 'Cara Mia (Turret Opera)' · 'Still Alive' · 'Want You Gone'
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Production staff (composers) Stephen Bahl · Kelly Bailey · Jonathan Coulton · Ben Houge · Chris Jensen · Mike Morasky · The National
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Voice actorsJohn Aylward · Dee Bradley Baker · Adam Baldwin · Robert Culp · Merle Dandridge · Michelle Forbes · Jim French · Louis Gossett Jr. · Robert Guillaume · Mary Kae Irvin · Kathy Levin · John Patrick Lowrie · Ellen McLain · Stephen Merchant · Joe Romersa · Lani Minella · Nolan North · Mike Patton · Harry S. Robins · Michael Shapiro · J.K. Simmons · Jon St. John · Tony Todd
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