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Dragon Slayers Vs Dragons

Dragon Slayers Vs Dragons 7,5/10 1781 votes

May 30, 2019  Karma Abyss Vs FT Dragons+Dragon Slayers. Site Announcements. Joke Battles. Off Topic Battles. Facts and Feats. Off Topic Facts and Feats. Site Discussion. General Off-Topic Discussion. Anime Discussion. Anime Films Discussion. Manga Discussion. Other Discussion. Review Board. Feb 10, 2017  Dragons vs Dragon Slayers. Breaking flight. Enchanting lake. A new perspective. Darkened Castle. Dragon X Reader Dragons vs Dragon Slayers. Xxx Fireborn xxX. This chapter contains blood and gore.-. Please, Dragon, show mercy!' One of the servants.

Chapter 75 – Dragon Slayers VS Pokémon

Hey guys, Insane Dominator here! Before you read, I want to announce that I have finally completed EDventures in Kalos, and so it's the first Pokémon/Ed Edd n Eddy crossover to be completed in the archives. So now you know why the update took so long. Now that EDventures in Kalos is complete and over with, updates for this story will be faster than normal, at least in July.

And now, here's the next chapter! Chapter 75!

To Recap:

Laxus against Alexei occurred, but Nic's Foresight saw through the illusion Ivan, who was Alexei's real identity, made, and Laxus defeated all of Raven Tail by himself, disqualifying Raven Tail for cheating and cruel tactics. Wendy and Chelia alike put up a great fight, and yet they ended up tying, gaining 5 points each. Fairy Tail A ends up in 1st place, leaving Sabertooth on edge. After the events, Jellal's cover was blown, but Yajima covered for him from Lahar and Doranbolt, though Millianna and Kagura were distraught somewhat. That night, Nic and Erza had some romantic time alone and strolled through the streets, safe and sound. On Day 4 in the Naval Battle, Nic and Minerva were the only two left, and they actually ended up tying on good terms, earning their teams 10 points each. After the competition, Makarov joined Fairy Tail A and B for a brief discussion.

Chapter 75 – Dragon Slayers VS Pokémon

'Hang on a sec, Gramps. Run that by us again, would ya?' Laxus asked as confusion and bewilderment ran through the room.

'The game organizers asked us to do away with the Team A and B.' Makarov reiterated. 'With Raven Tail disqualified, that leaves seven teams remaining, in which the odd number makes it difficult to do battles. As of now until the end of the games, we are to turn our two teams into a single 5-man group.'

'So we'll have to be like everyone else now.' Nic stated with crossed arms. 'And how will our scores play out?'

'We'll only be allowed to keep the lower score, so it shall be the 36 points of Team B.' Makarov informed.

Happy stomped. 'That's so unfair! That puts Sabertooth back in the lead!'

'Like it or not, the decisions been made. We'll just have to adapt from this setback.' Erza said.

'Look on the bright side.' Cana said. 'At least now we get to make a kickass team.'

'Well I wish they did that earlier, because now we only have the double battles, right?' Gray asked.

'No.' Porlyusica retorted. 'In tradition, there's a mandatory day-off, then there's Day 5, which is where a battle of all members takes place. It's important to choose the members carefully.

'My point exactly.' Makarov stepped forward, looking up at the contenders before him. 'And with that reason, I have decided on the five that shall be of Team Fairy Tail…'

The crowd was as cheerful as ever as the Naval Battle had them all stoked for the double battles that are to take place. Lola leaned into the mic with a smile and a blue wig. 'This is Day 4 folks! Now we'll back to the exciting battle, and who's on Team Fairy Tail.' Lola turned towards Yajima. 'Mr. Yajima, you have a long history with the guild, yes?'

'Ah, yes. Good times.' Yajima mused.

'Now, let's pay attention to the battle lineups!' Lola announced to the audience. Turn your attention to the monitor.'

Blue Pegasus VS Quatro Puppy

Mermaid Heel VS Lamia Scale

Sabertooth VS Fairy Tail

The crowd was going bananas over the final matchup. They wanted to see the score settled once and for all between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail.

Lola got their attention to the Fairy Tail tunnel. 'And now, let's see who made the cut for Fairy Tail…'

Inside the tunnel, five silhouettes could be seen. One was in the middle and had sunglasses on, reflecting the lighting in the tunnel, and his coat had the Fairy Tail emblem in purple. The second had what seemed to be pink, spiky hair. The third had a skirt and clad in armor. The fourth had long black hair, with his iron-like muscles showing. The last one had a large coat and blonde hair. All five walked out towards the light outside, approaching the five other teams.

In the stands, Makarov nodded in satisfaction. 'With the spirit of Fairy Tail imprinted in these five, we shall overcome this obstacle.'

'I told ys this was gonna be kickass!' Cana said.

'This team, it's gonna get us to the top again.' Vanessa said.

'Go get 'em, guys.' Lucy smiled.

'And now, introducing…TEAM FAIRY TAIL!' Lola shouted.

In front, standing tall and mighty, the crowds bellowed at the immense anticipation of the five people that put up a grand show. Nic. Natsu. Erza, Gajeel. Laxus. The team that shall be of Fairy Tail. The crowd's screaming was so strong that the stadium was actually shaking, and Fairy Tail banners were put up, giving everyone full support.

The five other teams glared at Fairy Tail, showing no mercy in their rivalry. Sabertooth especially was giving off a vibe that clashed with Fairy Tail's.

'I can tell everyone's looking forward to the final match by their cheers. I wonder if they'll handle it?' Lola wondered.

'We'll see.' Yajima said.

'I'm so thrilled to be here today to witness such drama!' Rabian said.

Looking down at the Fairy Tail stands, Arcadios and Darton glared at Lucy solemnly. Their interest was only in her, and what seemed to be her Spirits. To be frank, it was really her power they both sought. Her Celestial Magic was powerful, and they knew that. They could only focus on such a thing as the battles seemed pointless, yet it was a way to buy some diversions.

'You better not screw up like last time.' Darton told him.

Arcadios adjusted his posture and stood affirm. He recalled the group that took Wendy, Carla, and Porlyusica, and failed. 'I assure you, that was just a misstep. Next time shall be certain.' He walked closer towards the balcony, spectating the arena. 'For now, just relish in the festivities. The project will be in three days' time.'

Darton grimaced and grumbled. 'Damn eclipse. Is there really no way to stop it?'

Arcadios's smirk turned malicious, the mood in the air growing malice. 'We can't keep Zeref waiting now, can we?'

Darton exited the tall domain, walking down an open corridor that overlooked everything. He seemed distraught, and he was only discomforted by what was to come. Hell was gonna come, and yet nothing was to prevent it. To kill Zeref, that was the idea. Yet to him it seemed impossible.

He entered a chamber in the darkness. 'The Grand Magic Games.' His tone could make one get goosebumps as the dark room set the mood. 'Those who know history know that it went by a different title. The title that plagued ruin upon all…'

He looked up at a mural painted on the wall. It was a large-scale painting, one of a city and waves in the background. In the foreground were two figures. One was a man with Magic being used, and the other…was a Dragon, spewing fire. The Magic and fire were against the other, war wages as the other sought to end the other's life.

'…The Dragon King Festival.'

'Now, let's get to the battles!' Lola diverted the crowd to the lacrima screen, where it showed the four people that were to duke it out. 'Our first match is Blue Pegasus Ichiya and Rabbit!'

Ichiya and the rabbit costume struck the same stylish pose. 'Man.'

'Against Quatro Puppy's Bacchus and Rocker!' Lola continued.

'WILD!' Quatro Puppy shouted as Bacchus and Rocker stepped forward.

All four competitors walked towards the center of the arena, two facing the other. As Nic and Vanessa both watched the battle unfold, they couldn't help but see this as a Double Battle in their eyes. They both fought in several against Trainers before back in Kalos, and in Nic's case a few Triple Battles, but moral of the point is that this scene brought back some nostalgia.

'Let's show these pretty boys that we mean business!' Rocker declared. 'We gotta get some points too.'

'It's cool.' Bacchus said, expressing a subtle demeanor and a smirk. 'All I want is to have my spirit shaken and stirred up…huh?'

When he looked back at Ichiya and Rabbit, both were surprisingly in their faces, causing them to become uncomfortable. Both extended an arm out, sparkles around their faces with smiles.

'Sirs.' Ichiya said.

There was an uneasy pause, but Quatro Puppy complied and shook hands, putting up some gentlemen aspect. Both Ichiya and Rabbit then walked back into position, leaving Bacchus and Rocker confused.

'Did I just shake hands with a bunny suit?' Rocker questioned.

Bacchus held his hands to his nose and sniffed. Surprisingly it smelled good. 'You know, that guy smells pretty damn good.' He said in shock.

'Now, it is time we unveil the full power we possess. Cascade your handsomeness no more!' Ichiya shouted.

The rabbit costume nodded, and he slowly reached for his headpiece.

The audience stared in complete silence, barely mumbling as suspense was piling on.

'Seriously?! We're finally gonna see who's in the bunny suit?!' Happy shouted.

'Well it's about time. I almost forgot about that guy.' Gray said.

'It's so bizarre, and yet the suspense is killing me.' Ren looked behind, hearing kissing noises. He looked and saw Hibiki and Jenny making out, though this only left Ren irritated. 'WOULD YOU TWO LOOK FOR JUST A SECOND?!'

Everyone leaned in, the suspense amongst them being lifted as the headpiece was lifted. The rabbit costume, in truth, was Nichiya.

The audience, Lola, Rabian, Yajima, and all of Fairy Tail was left speechless, disbelief plastered on their faces as the unveiling was just unable to be processed clearly. Not only was the identity an Exceed, but he looked exactly like Ichiya.

Both jumped and posed, with Nichiya appeared in his small form with a light purple suit. Both took a stunning pose that was unison, sparkles everywhere. Their faces had the exact same expression, and everyone could've sworn a little bit of vomit went up in their throats.

'Holy crap!' Natsu exclaimed.

'That cat from Extalia?!' Gray exclaimed.

Erza had a shadow over her eyes. The reality of the situation made her almost go blind. 'This can't…be happening…can it?' The two identical faces replayed over and over, and she began falling over. 'Two Ichiyas…this can't be…' She fell over in shock, not looking to well. Nic caught her.

'Erza? Erza?!' Nic asked.

'Make this nightmare end.' She mumbled.

'Sir Nichiya?!' Lily shouted.

Rocker pointed haphazardly at Nichiya. 'That's not wild, man! Is that freakin cat thing even a member of Blue Pegasus?!'

Ichiya chuckled in pride. 'Behold!' Nichiya took off his shirt and showed his back, where a Blue Pegasus emblem was on his back, startling the audience.

'Of course I made that darling pussycat a member of our guild before the Grand Magic Games!' Master Bob put a hand to his cheek. 'It'd be such a crime to turn such a handsome creature down!'

'Krokorok feels like he's gonna be sick.' Krokorok held back a gag. Mawile had a twitch in her eye as she was just baffled. Vanessa, Braixen, and Venusaur all were stiff in speechlessness, all three just baffled with what this world had to offer.

'Pardon my intrusion.' Magnezone wondered. 'But how exactly did such a creature get discovered?'

Ichiya struck a pose. 'Ah, yes. The parfume of memory.' He started. 'I shall relish in the tale. It was a stroke of luck, was it not? I found myself wandering in the forest looking for an experience. As I traveled within, I couldn't find my way out, and then I collapsed, all famished and parched to the limit.' He turned towards Nichiya. 'And as it turned out, that forest was home to Exceeds that came to Earth Land. I have found my partner in crime, and we thus planted the seed that bloomed into the flower of friendship.'

'And we thus relished in the parfume of memory and valor.' Nichiya added humbly.

Bacchus slid up front, done with the story. He brought back a palm at a clam Nichiya. He brought the palm strike forward and Nichiya held out a palm, looking as though he was gonna block. To everyone's disbelief, Nichiya was sent flying.

'What have you done?!' Ichiya exclaimed as he saw his counterpart flying.

'Meeeeee~n!' Nichiya shouted, soon thudding to an end.

Ren looked astonished. 'What the heck?! Ichiya, can he even fight?!'

Ichiya struck a pose. 'Naturally.' Nichiya's eyes opened, sparkles appearing. 'As we have the same face, we share the same fighting strength!'

Dragon Slayers Vs Dragons 3

The two stared at the other, sparkles around the other. Nichiya tensed and struggled to hold his eyes open. He let out a huff and he passed out, completely unconscious.

'He's completely out of commission!' Ren yelled.

Ichiya had sweat running down his body, seemingly unable to take in what just happened to Nichiya. He finally broke and looked like he's seen a ghost. 'This cannot be!' He bellowed at the tragedy.

'Wild…' Ichiya cringed and slowly turned around, seeing Bacchus and Rocker cracking their knuckles.

'Now we're done messin' around. Let's take this guy down.' Bacchus said with a smirk.

'It's now or never. We're gonna get the win and the points.' Rocker added.

'The revealed identity of Rabbit has been swatted down like a fly! That makes this two against one!' Lola announced.

'Not looking too good for Blue Pegasus.' Yajima added.

'It's so tragic and yet exhilarating! Thank you very much!' Rabian cheered.

Ichiya found himself getting surrounded by Rocker and Bacchus as they closed in, taking the opportunity to take out Ichiya as he was at a loss for words. The Parfume Mage stepped back as he was mentally ill-equipped for the situation. 'Uh, p-please, wait a sec-!'

'Drilling rock for you!' His leg span so fast like a drill and kicked Ichiya.

Bachhus brought his palm back and smirked. 'Alright! Drunk-Chop Hanging Palm: Under Moonlight!' He slapped Ichiya with a forceful strike, making dust rise and Ichiya was sent soaring.

'ME~~N!' Ichiya yelled.

'Ichi…ya.' Nichiya's eye winced as he could feel the energy and his buddy losing the brawl.

Ichiya, while still soaring, looked down to Nichiya, striking a pose. 'Ni…chi…ya.' He mumbled, posing through his landing and sliding back.

Quatro Puppy ran after their only-standing target. 'Time to eat dirt, fancy boy!' Bacchus yelled.

Rocker smirked. 'This win is ours!'

'Nichiya.' Ichiya thought as Bacchus and Rocker began landing blows and punches that continuously sent him flying. 'I'm sorry for misreading you. I did not realize that you were a gentleman that couldn't fight. I am to blame.'

'Drilling rock for ya!' Rocker's arm spun like a drill and he punched Ichiya, sending him spiraling.

'And yet…you chose the path of fighting alongside your comrades.' Ichiya gawked as he was dealt by another blow by Bacchus to the chin. 'You put your handsomeness at risk for all of us.' Rocker kicked him viciously again. 'What have I done?! I did this!' Bacchus delivered an uppercut by means of a palm strike. 'HOW COULD I HAVE LET YOU FALL?!'

Ichiya kept a stylish finger pose as he slid on his face near Nichiya, his attire all dirty and his face all banged up. He laid there, seemingly out.

'Did Bacchus deal the final blow?!' Lola said over the mic. 'Things are looking bad for Blue Pegasus folks!'

'What are we boys?' Bacchus and Rocker shouted.

'WILD!' Quatro Puppy yelled. They seemed excited, but they were left bewildered and their celebration came to a standstill. Bacchus and Rocker both stopped their short-lived rise to victory as Ichiya struggled to his knees. They saw how badly damaged he was, and yet he kept on going.

Lola looked surprised. 'Wait up folks, it looks like Ichiya still has some fight in him!'

Ichiya opened his eyes, sparkles still around him and his fallen friend. He saw the lone tear that Nichiya shed, which finally made Ichiya snap. 'I swear, my friend. I won't let your struggle be for nothing.' Veins sprouted from his forehead and body. 'Handsomeness…IS JUSTICE!'

Everyone all around saw Ichiya's body exerted a massive Magic Power. Bacchus and Rocker stepped back and as Ichiya stood up, and his muscles and size began to grow into a hulking force. His muscle mass expanded, and his shirt was ripped off.

Bacchus was startled by Ichiya's power enhancing, and he felt rather insecure. 'How did this guy get so wild…?'

'Is this, the power of parfume?' Rocker questioned.

Ichiya looked up to the sky. 'To my dear friend…THIS SHALL BE DEDICATED AS THE PARFUME OF VICTORY TO YOU!' His body flashed more sparkles and Magic Power, leaving all in awe.

'Ichiya!' The Trimens and Jenny shouted in support.

Ichiya's hulking steps advanced, his size being twice as large as his opponents.

Mato clenched his small gloves. 'This is so touching…pumpkins…' He mumbled.

'WILD!' Bacchus and Rocker both charged with brute force, ready to lay some damage onto Ichiya.

'Take this!' Ichiya yelled. 'You will at my…Beautiful Dreamer!' He tensed up his face, and he suddenly changed his looks to a realistic and beautiful face.

Bacchus and Rocker both stopped in midair. 'Huh-?!'

'Smiling Smash!' Ichiya sent an uppercut that sent a ripple through the air, letting out a cry as Bacchus and Rocker were sent skyrocketing. Both spiraled and back had into the colosseum wall, leaving a crater that was huge. Both contenders fell down to the ground with thuds, with Quatro Puppy paling in despair and shock as they saw Rocker and Bacchus down and out.

'Quatro Puppy is down! They're down!' Lola yelled as the bell ringed. 'The winner is Blue Pegasus!'

The audience cheered loudly at Ichiya's display as he blew kisses at everyone. Not only did he get his team 10 points, totaling to 30, but he avenged his fallen comrade.

'He defeated Bacchus.' Erza said, admittedly surprised.

'Even when it was two against one. He's good.' Nic admitted.

'That was awesome!' Natsu shouted.

'Now that was pretty handsome.' Ren said with a smile.

'What a cool guy!' Jenny cheered.

'Ichiya's the man.' Hibiki said.

'I knew he could do it.' Eve remarked while still wounded badly.

'What an amazing battle if I do say so myself.' Lola said. 'Mr. Yajima, what did you think?'

'In a way, maybe.' Yajima said, though not entirely convinced.

'A sappy ending for my tastes. Thank you very much.!' Rabian said with enthusiasm.

'Now, onto the second match! From Lamia Scale, we have Lyon and Yuka…'

Both contenders stepped into the ring.

'Versus the top dog and top cat of Mermaid Hell, Kagura and Millianna!'

The remaining two stepped into the ring, both ready to take on Lamia Scale. The crowd seemed excited as cheers went on again, and Erza was keeping a close eye on Kagura, while Gray was keeping an eye out on his sibling student Lyon.

Two cloaked figures walked aimlessly through the area where Jellal had the small confrontation with the Council yesterday. The two had hoods on to hold their hidden identities. Their heads were down and they seemed to be alone, as all eyes and population were within the colosseum. They could hear the crowd roar as Millianna was seemingly holding her own against Lyon and Yuka, but they were nothing to the two cloaked figures.

They moved on through the entrance and walked down the corridor. Their footsteps didn't even echo. They were like silent ghosts that hid in the shadows. Only their frowns were visible as everything else was veiled up.

One cloaked figure stopped for a brief moment. This caught the attention of the other cloaked figure as it turned and saw the halted one look at the small book it carried in one hand. It looked like a diary. The figure was beginning to quiver and tears began to fall down, dripping onto the words of the diary that had words like 'Eclipse' and 'Dragon King Festival'.

The other figured reached a hand out and gently put the diary back into the other's pocket. The figures seemed remorseful as they talked incoherently, and the one figure that was crying stopped and nodded in understanding, remaining positive. The two then pressed on towards and went outside to overlook the battle. Both seemed contained as Kagura and Lyon were the only ones left.

'Now!' Lyon extended his arm out, sending his Ice-Make creatures of a tiger, ape, and serpentine dragon after Kagura. Kagura jumped and dodged the ape and tiger that pounced, but she was rammed by the dragon, sending her flying. She twisted her body and landed soundly yet cautiously.

'Kagura against three of Lyon's aces? I think we know who's got this in the bag now!' Chelia cheered.

Kagura stood back up and the three ice animals opened their mouths and charged right for her. Kagura held her sheathed sword and the hilt glowed bright red. 'You won't win.'

The stadium was suddenly at a standstill when a big, red Magic Seal appeared, and Lyon and his creations were lifted into the air. They were all immobile, and Lyon found himself stuck within the suspended field of gravity.

'There's that special Gravity Magic!' Lola announced. 'It looks like She's got Lyon right where she wants him!'

'I didn't expect Kagura to use that Magic unless threatened. I guess that means Lyon is that formidable indeed.' Arana stated.

Lyon couldn't ascertain any momentum from where he was. 'She got me…!' His eyes widened when Kagura sprung up and used her sheathed sword. In a flashy glint, she passed all of Lyon's creations, and they were bisected and shattered into nothing.

Lyon turned around as Kagura came down onto him all of a sudden. 'You're finished!'

The bell went off, and Kagura stiffened and stopped her advances when her sword was just mere inches from his face. Lyon felt his heart pulse as he could feel the sheathed sword's cold touch without being physically touched. If he would've been hit at that instant, he'd be done for like Kagura foretold.

'That's the bell! The match is hereby a draw!' Mato announced.

The crowd cheered for Lyon and Kagura alike as both fell and landed on their feet. They only stared at the other blankly and in silent retort before simultaneously retreating and walking away.

'Aw, and we were so close.' Beth whined.

'That guy was literally saved by the bell.' Arana pointed out.

Risley shrugged. 'Well, as long as Kagura is okay with it, guess we should be too.'

Millianna sheepishly rubbed the back of her head as she caught up. 'Heh, uh, sorry I let you down.'

'There's no need. Lyon and Yuka were formidable opponents.' She paused her sentence as her stride was still and unsound. 'However, if this was a real fight…you'd be dead.'

Millianna choked a little and fell a little behind Kagura.

Yuka got up with Lyon's aid. 'Something tells me she was holding back.'

'Every year it's the same story with her. No matter what, she always holds back, never drawing that blade of hers.' Lyon looked over his shoulder and back at Kagura, focusing on her blade. 'If not for the time running out, it would've been the end.'

'I hope they're ready for a spin.' Obaba warned.

The audience watched the four Mages return to their tunnels. Once they've entered, it was like a switch was flipped. The mood went from exhilarating to deadly.

'Now it's our turn.' Mavis said.

Cana had a hand to her hip. 'This is gonna be good. Sabertooth's gonna get its ass kicked bad.'

In Fairy Tail's tunnel, two figures were seen. One tightened his scarf while the other took the sunglasses from his V-neck and put them on his face.

'You ready?' One asked.

The one started his calm yet ready stride out towards the light. 'Yes.' He and the other figure stepped out into the light, where were met with a deafening cheer by the crowd, both them and the duo they were gonna face.

'At long last, we have come to the fight everyone has been waiting to see.' Lola said, his tone filled with seriousness. 'One guild was the strongest seven years ago, and now they square off against the guild that holds that title to this date. This is gonna be the most intense match as of yet. This match will be Fairy Tail's Nic and Natsu, against Sabertooth's Sting and Rogue. This is more than just any regular match, this is a battle of three Dragon Slayers and one who is told to have power beyond Magic.'

'Go get 'em, Sting!' Lector cheered.

Sting smirked, barely able to hold in his excitement. 'I've been looking forward to this my whole life. Natsu.'

'Nic Pularis. You will pay for making Milady becoming soft, and for what you did all those years ago.' Rogue thought, his gaze solemnly on Nic.

Nic and Natsu stared at their respective opponents, saying nothing as they had a red and purple aura respectively.

Gajeel scoffed, but kept a smirk. 'That should be me down there, but I get my fun yet when it comes I guess.'

'Natsu! Nic! Win this one for Fairy Tail!' Erza cheered.

'And get a couple of hits in for us while you're at it.' Laxus added.

'Woohoo! Go beat them up guys!' Happy cheered.

'Nic, do your best.' Vanessa hoped.

'This is it. This is our chance. Don't hold anything back.' Makarov said lowly, glaring at Guild Master Jiemma and vice versa.

Mato raised an arm. 'This is it! You all better give it everything you got within these 30 minutes! Let the match begin!'

Sting and Rogue smirked as they prepared to advance onto Nic and Natsu, but to their surprise, the Fairy Tail Mages closed the distance in no time. Both lunged, and Natsu and Nic slugged Sing and Rogue in their faces, sending them flying.

The crowd roared as the fight had begun. The anticipation was well worth it. Erza smiled at Nic's first strike, while Sabertooth grimaced.

Sting continued to soar and Natsu lunged again after him, kicking him to the side while Sting was still soaring. Sting slid along the ground on his feet, getting a good grip before he made a counter.

'White Dragon's Roar!'

Sting fired a concentrated beam of light from his mouth. The Fire Dragon Slayer leaned to the left to dodge. 'A laser?!'

Sting turned his head, making the beam curve over towards Nic.

Nic extended a hand back as the beam was heading his way, and a turquoise shield emerged and shielded Nic from Sting's roar. His Protect activated without him having to look behind as his attention was on Rogue as the Shadow Dragon Slayer jumped and cloaked his open hand in shadows.

'Shadow Dragon's Slash!'

Rogue punched down onto Nic, but to his sheer disbelief, the attack didn't faze Nic as it instead went through him. 'What?!' Rogue had no idea that Nic was technically a Normal-Type within his usual self, meaning Ghost-Type moves like his won't do anything. When the attack fazed through, Nic glowed and shifted into another Plate. In a flash he disappeared and ended up behind Rogue in his Zap Plate Form.

Rogue looked back and was gripped by Nic with a single arm. He was thrown into Sting, both gawking from the force. Nic swung an arm down, and a mighty Thunderbolt zapped downwards, shocking the Twin Dragons.

'Such raw power.' Rufus remarked.

The Thunderbolt xeased, and Sting and Rogue were barely holding their ground as a small perimeter around them was fried earth, sizzling, and their bodies had a few scratches as well. The shock from Nic's assault lasted long enough for them to be caught off guard by Natsu's attack.

Blu life one x3 install sim card. 'Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!'

Natsu lashed his arms lined in fire, and the two Dragon Slayers were overwhelmed yet again as they thudded onto the earth.

'Amazing folks!' Lola shouted through the deafening roars of everyone present. 'Sabertooth's Twin Dragons are actually being overwhelmed by the Salamander and Luminous of Fairy Tail!'

Fairy Tail cheered loudly. Frosch and Lector stared down in shock and disbelief as their pals were getting hammered. Lector kept fate as he knew Sting was warming up.

Sting wiped the spit from his chin and got up. Rogue stood back up, glaring at Nic. The duo was unsound by the power that they were struck with, but it seemed their arrogance only was provoked.

'You just are strong. That lightning especially.' Sting admitted. 'Orga's is something, but I gotta give credit where it's due.'

'So tell me.' Natsu asked. 'Did you seriously beat your Dragons with that crappy power?'

'We didn't just beat them…' Sting clenched a tight fist. 'We killed them with our own hands.'

Nic was turned to the side as he remained silent as this was a talk amongst Dragon Slayers.

'But didn't you think of them as your parents?' Natsu barked.

Sting spread his knees and held his fists to both sides. 'What happened to our Dragon's got nothing to do with you.' His body and Rogue's began to glow light and dark auras. Sting's was a holy light while Rogue's was of dark shadows. 'Now if you want a taste of a true Dragon Slayers, we'll demonstrate for ya.'

Nic and Natsu remained on guard.

'White Drive.'

'Shadow Drive.'

Jiemma glared at the scene, his grimace clear. 'Makarov, your dying guild will perish. Both of you, destroy them…especially Nic Pularis.'

Sting closed the distance in a flash between him and Natsu, bringing a fist forward and a flash and powerful burst of light erupted, causing Natsu to reel back a few feet. 'Damnit!' He got his footing back, and barely blocked a second, more powerful, light-coated punch by Sting, his cocky laughter escalating. Sting let loose a barrage of punches onto a defenseless Natsu.

'Natsu!' Nic shouted. His eyes widened when his reflexes kicked in. He pivoted and ducked an incoming misty shadow.

'Not bad.' Rogue's voice echoed, but try evading this!' The misty shadows became Rogue with glowing red eyes. He vanished and reappeared all around Nic. In vicious flashes, Rogue vanished and fazed through the area, delivering punches and kicks to only be blocked every single time. When he reappeared behind Nic, he let a backhand loose, but without turning around, Nic reached back and caught it. 'He's so fast!'


Nic's body was cloaked in electricity and the instant contact shocked Rogue, making him yelp as he was stunned temporarily, making him tangible and Nic lariat him into the earth. Nic flipped and pivoted on his hands and glowed. When he was on his feet again after another flip, he was in his Dread Plate Form. 'Come!'

Rogue rushed ahead after Nic, and his punch was caught with one hand. 'But…what are you?'

Nic said nothing, and instead used Foul Play. He twisted his body and kicked Rogue harshly into Sting, giving Natsu a breather as he had been given a beating. Nic was back to Natsu's side, his eyes set on Sting and Rogue.

'Thanks for the save.' Natsu puffed in his cheeks. 'Fire Dragon's Roar!' He fired a concentrated blast of fire at Sting and Rogue alike, but the Twin Dragons rushed ahead and dodged the roar. They closed in and dealt vicious blows after the other, with Natsu on the defensive and Nic was budging back only a few inches per assault. Rogue grunted and yelled, but his attack enhancement didn't seem to be doing much damage.

'Shadow Dragon's Slash!' Rogue attacked again with a punch.

'Crunch!' Nic opened his mouth and his teeth glowed and elongated. He snapped them down onto Rogue's incoming fist, and Rogue felt the blood being cut off. 'You think you got us? You should pay attention to your own weaknesses!' Nic used his free hand and bashed Rogue's face again, sending him to the earth.

Sting dealt another blow to Natsu, and it was followed by a knee strike. 'I finally got the chance to show the world I'm better than you! You're nothing compared to me, Natsu!'

Lector nodded. 'Now that's Sting for ya.'

'Fro thinks so too.' Frosch said.

'That damn Luminous is really pushing Rogue's buttons, isn't he?' Orga questioned.

'Such speed, agility, reflexes.' Rufus watched the two battles unfold, each battle opposing the other. 'To think one twin is covering the other.'

'White Dragon's Claw!' Sting's hand was cloaked in a bright and mighty light. He struck Natsu right in the stomach.

'Natsu!' Happy shouted.

Natsu planted his feet to the ground. However, he felt his limbs go numb. 'Wait…' He looked down, and right where Sting punched him there was some stigmata. 'What did you do?!'

'My White Dragon's Claw is infused with Holy Magic. Bearing that insignia with make you unable to move.' His fists were cloaked in light. 'Now you're my new punching bag!'

'HRAH!' Rogue slashed at Nic, put his wrist was caught. His grip was tight. Rogue was at wit's end with Nic. He had so much durability and endurance. It was like hitting a tank, but he couldn't understand why.

'If you honestly believe that your guild and members themselves are mighty, they haven't seen anything what we can do.' Nic's spare hands created a light purple needle, the move being Night Slash, he drew it back. 'Everyone suffered for seven years as we went through time, and we intend to repair their heartache in full!' He swiped across Rogue, sending him flying back and his cloak all just ripped into shreds.

'Nic can adapt to a battle's conditions faster than an opponent's trace of movements.' Erza said, watching Nic retain a calm focus despite being in the thrill of battle.

Gajeel snickered. 'Don't go gloatin' your boyfriend like he's king of the ring, Erza.' Gajeel countered. 'Don't forget Salamander's got some gutsy moves himself.'

As Sting raced after Natsu, he noticed the Fire Dragon Slayer smiling, which bugged him. He drove a punch forward, but Natsu suddenly got the upper hand with a fire-coated fist to Sting's nose. The crackling burst all about and Sting stumbled backwards.

'What the…you shouldn't be moving!' To his shock, the insignia wasn't there, and Natsu's stomach was instead sizzling. 'He burned off the insignia…?'

'You're strong.' Natsu cracked his knuckles. 'But you're gonna have to do way better than that.' He brought back a fist and it was coated on flames. 'Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!' He dealt a blow to Sting's cheek, sending him flying and colliding with Rogue in midair.

Nic appeared overhead, changing into his Meadow Plate Form. He opened his mouth. 'Seed Bomb!'

Sting and Rogue looked up to see dozens of fast-moving seeds showering down onto them. Both lunged and ducked out of the way and fumbled from the shockwaves the Seed Bomb made. The attack left uneven indents in the ground, small craters that made it look like the surface of the moon.

'That power, is it really that intense?' Rogue questioned as Nic landed beside Natsu.

'Afraid so. That would've hurt us bad.' Sting replied. He took a stance and his body was giving off an intense light. 'Rogue, stand back.' Rogue did as told and Sting concentrated even more light. 'Sorry guys, but when we go all out, we make sure you're not standing! Ready yourself, Natsu!'

'What's this?! I can't see anything!' Lola announced, covering himself from the bright light.

'Sting is concentrating every ounce of power he has to one point.' Yajima informed. 'He's gonna unleash a devastating spell.'

'You feel that Magic Power? It's humungous!' Romeo exclaimed.

'Fire and the elements Nic has is nothing compared to this!' Sting's massive concentration converged to his right arm, swirling with pressure that could be felt amongst the spectators in the area. He lunged at Natsu, bringing his arm forward. 'Dragon Slayer Secret Art – Holy Nova!' He punched Natsu at point-blank range, the light letting loose at that moment. The blast wave was tremendous, and it encompassed the entire arena. Debris and shockwave raged through the area, forcing everyone in the stands and balconies to cover up.

When the light faded and the dust cleared out, Sting looked down and grinned, thinking he finally laid some hurt. He felt something off as his hands had a tight grip. He looked up, and he was struck with horror as Natsu blocked his attack with one hand. To say Sting was mortified and astonished would be an understatement, because the shock he expressed was priceless.

'You've gotta be joking.' Orga said.

'I don't remember Sting's attack being blocked without much effort.' Rufus reported.

Lector could barely swallow. 'Impossible.'

'Wha?' Frosch mumbled.

'Natsu Dragneel just stopped Sting's attack with just one hand!' Lola yelled through the mic.

Nic's coat flapped in the low winds and he felt something behind. His glance underneath his sunglasses shifted, as Rogue appeared from out of his shadow to strike from behind. 'NIC PULARIS!'

'Stay down!' Nic pivoted and shot a lightning fast punch square into Rogue's face, making the Shadow Dragon Slayer skid along the ground. Natsu brought a fist back and delivered yet another punch to Sting. Nic and Natsu were on offense as they pounded Sting and Rogue left and right, dealing blow after blow; in Rogue's case, he was bloodied in a few places from Nic's assaults.

Everyone watched as Sting and Rogue fell to the earth, thudding and grunted as they felt immense pain. Lector and Frosch were startled and on the verge of tears at Sting and Rogue being of no match against them.

'Sabertooth's Twin Dragons are at the complete mercy of Fairy Tail's Nic and Natsu!' Lola stated, much to the crowd's cheering. 'Will Sabertooth lay in the dirt and face defeat?'

Rogue struggled up and blood was on him. He panted as his gaze on Nic was hazy. 'Nic…Pularis…'

'Come on Rogue. We're not done yet.' Sting reminded him. 'We didn't expect this to be easy, remember?'

'…yeah. It's time we show these clowns *cough* what a Third Generation Dragon Slayer can really do.'

Sting closed his eyes. His mind was lost in the remembrance of a little Lector, who had tears in his eyes. A long time back, when he met the Exceed, he pat his head and that made him smile. Sting made a promise and he swore to defeat Natsu, and no matter what, he intended to keep it.

Sting and Rogue suddenly pulsed, and the air shifted. The two were exerted a massive amount of Magic Power. 'Natsu, I intend to keep my promise to Lector.' His body was covered in white marks, while Rogue was in black ones.

Makarov's eyes widened. 'I don't believe it.'

Minerva grinned. 'It looks like they were pushed this far after all.'

Spectating discreetly, Jellal's eyes widened. 'No. This power. It can't be!' He remembered Natsu having the same transformation, and that was back in the Oracion Seis incident. 'It was only when Natsu ate the Flame of Rebuke, and yet these two can activate it whenever they seem fit?!'

Mavis looked nervous. 'Dragon Force.'

'So this is the natural Dragon Force.' Erza said, feeling the immense and unbelievable Magic Power.

'Well this ain't good.' Gajeel said.

Laxus's eyes narrowed. 'I wouldn't put my eggs into that one basket. Those two have something to prove yet. Besides…' He paused. 'Don't you guys remember what Nic can do?'

Sting and Rogue stepped forward, with the latter set on Nic. 'Nic Pularis, you're all mine. Sting, don't talk me out of this.'

Sting snickered. 'So you're that intended on revenge huh? Well I won't stop ya. Just don't get in the way when I bash Natsu, okay?'

Lector huffed. 'Sting and Rogue are in control now. I can't believe we were so worried.'

'They're getting cocky.' Natsu said.

'Careful.' Nic countered. 'Here they come.'

Sting and Rogue both instantly met them both. Sting punched Natsu so hard he sailed backwards towards the wall. Nic met Rogue head on, their punches colliding. A small crackle could be heard throughout the arena. Rogue viciously attacked Nic, parrying blow after blow. Physical punches were dealt and deflected by both parties. Nic's surprise was cascaded behind his sunglasses, but he adapted well. He dealt a kick to Rogue's stomach, and followed it up with his forearms turning into Leaf Blade. Rogue turned into a shadowy mist again and dodged. Nic ducked to evade a kick, and pivoted, now facing Rogue again and parrying blows, and yet Rogue was just being parried.

Natsu sprung of the wall and used flames as a boost. He shot head first with cloaked flames. 'Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!' He went after Sting, but Sting kneed him in the chin, leaving Natsu to feel the blow before Sting kicked him away.

'Shadow Dragon's Roar!'

'Leaf Tornado!'

Rogue and Nic's attacks collided in the middle. Making a maelstrom of black and green. The field of colors dissipated, and Rogue shoved back a couple of feet. 'Nic is seriously holding his own? His combat experience is like any other…is this how he beat them?' Rogue cloaked his hands into shadows again and attacked. 'Stop holding back!'

Nic back flipped and dodged the attack. In midair, he made a sphere of green and light green. 'Energy Ball!' He fired the attack, and Rogue disappeared, evading the explosive attack that made a green explosion.

Nic and Natsu looked up, seeing both Dragon Slayers. Sting smirked at their astonished looks.

'White Dragon's Holy Breath!'

Sting fired a humungous volume of light that blasted Nic and Natsu. The entire stadium quaked and rattled violently, and everyone covered up as debris flew. Bright light flashed relentlessly and the floor to the arena shattered. In the center was a humungous hole that dust and rock were falling into.

'The whole floor just gave in! Sting's brutal attack had broken even through Domus Flau!' Lola yelled.

'I can't believe how destructive it is.' Erza shuddered.

'Damn.' Laxus was just a surprised.

'Those guys are messin' with Third Generation.' Gajeel said. 'They gotta make another comeback yet.'

Nic and Natsu were seen falling down the hole into the catacombs, both having some damage accumulated. Nic shook his head and cleared his vision.

'Nic!' Vanessa shouted.

'Natsu! Hang in there!' Lucy shouted.

'In a moment folks!' Monitors appeared on Lola's call. 'Let's see the action go underground through lacrima-vision!' The lacrima showed Nic and Natsu falling, with Sting and Rogue diving after them.

'We're not through!' Rogue shouted. He folded in his arms and sailed down faster after Nic.

Nic changed his course of action and glowed. Rogue was suddenly caught and gagged when Nic slowed down, hauling Natsu with one arm. When the glow faded, Nic's attire was the royal blue color of his Draco Plate Form, and the edging was a grim gray, with the belt buckle being a Dusk Ball and the belt itself was gray, with the emblem and ring on the back of the coat being that same color. 'Ghost/Dragon!' Nic confidently shouted.

As he held Rogue, he threw Natsu up to Sting as he fell. Natsu used the momentum and was coated in flames. 'Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!' He headbutted Sting in the stomach, sending him crashing into a piece of falling rock, shattering it.

'Yeah! That's the way!' Happy cheered.

Nic threw Rogue into rubble beneath, where Rogue broke through. Nic's mouth opened wide. He charged up a multicolored energy and concentrated it into his mouth. 'Dragon Pu-!'

Suddenly he felt some vague pulse that went through him. It was odd. His draconic energy in his mouth dissipated and he seemed to be in shock. It was a bad feeling that Nic was getting, and in a way, it felt like draconic energy. 'What…is this my Spooky Plate acting up?' His sensory added with the now-active Spooky Plate resulted into something like ghosts being sensed. It was leaving Nic distraught to the point where the battle seemed all but a background. He flapped his wings, gliding down slowly as Natsu landed on some debris that continued falling. 'Am I sensing ghosts, or can it be…?'

'Hey, what's wrong with Nic?' Droy asked.

'He looks out of it.' Jet stated.

'Come on, Nic! Get your head back in the game!' Levy cheered.

'Whatever's going on, Nic's feeling it.' Gray noted.

Nic got his focus back where it belonged and he saw Sting and Rogue both landing on the ground. Sting put his hands together and smirked. Light and Holy Magic was infusing into one. He reached out at Nic and Natsu, both seeing his assault.

'Holy Ray!'

Thousands of light arrows went converging onto Nic and Natsu. The audience was in wow as the assault closed in fast.

Nic grabbed Natsu and made a dark hole above. 'Hang on tight! Phantom Force!'

'Hey, wait! I didn't approve of thi-WHOA!' Natsu was hauled by the scarf as Nic flew up into the hole. The hole vanished as the light rays closed in, flashing repeatedly and missed their target.

'That's our Nic. Always thinking on the fly.' Makarov said.

'Quick to snap judgments. His experience in battles and fighting is very lethal.' Mavis pointed out.

Sting and Rogue looked around at the bottom of the catacombs, turning their heads left and right. They tried to sense the Magic, but they got hardly any idea where. Their glances then turned towards the same location: Up. Both dodged at the last second as the hole reappeared overhead. Nic and Natsu appeared out of the hole, making a dark explosion that made a carter at Nic's feet.

Sting and Rogue shot back on opposite ends, both skidding to a halt and lunged back at their targets. Nic and Natsu diverged and assaulted at their attackers. Natsu was barely keeping up with Sting pounding and blasting light in his face, as to where Nic was dodging with speed and reflexes. He turned into shadows and swerved through the atmosphere, reappearing behind Rogue.

'Shadow Claw!' He slashed at Rogue with black shadows outlined in purple. Rogue turned around and caught it in time, but Nic swatted his arm away and jumped back into a skid. His hands made a sphere of black and purple. 'Shadow Ball!' He threw the attack at Rogue, traveling over the land as it left a broken and destroyed trail. Rogue dodged with a huge jump, evading the dark explosion that encompassed a very large area beneath.

Dragon Slayers Vs Dragons

'What power!' Rogue thought. He was met by Nic as he took flight. Nic brought a fist back and it released draconic energy that shaped into a claw.

'Dragon Claw!' Nic slashed at Rogue, and the Shadow Dragon Slayer morphed into shadows like Nic did earlier. As Nic followed through, he suddenly got another pulse of some ghastly force, and it felt heavy in draconic energy. 'There it is again. Where's it coming from?'

'Above you!' Cana shouted.

'Nic, look out!' Sophie yelled to the monitor.

'Shadow Dragon's Roar!'

Nic looked up and before he knew it, he was too distraught and took the blast of shadows. He went sailing downwards and crashed into the catacomb walls. He grunted and gagged as the shock from the roar made him fumble from large rock to large rock until he used his wings and spread them out, gaining resistance and managed to land on his feet harshly.

'Damnit.' Nic shook his head, trying to get his head back in the game. 'It's like there's ghost inside my head.'

Sting and Natsu both attacked the other, but Sting just pounded away. He dodged every counter Natsu threw, and he threw Natsu in midair, and he let loose a powerful light beam that got Natsu.

'Are you seeing this Lector?!' Sting shouted with a smile.

Lector sniffled. 'Uh huh!'

'What's up Lector? Why are you crying?' A younger Sting asked, seeing the little Exceed having tears run down his face. 'Are those guys bullying you again?'

'It's those jerks!' Lector cried. 'They won't believe anything I tell them! When I told them how you killed a Dragon with your bare hands, they just laughed and called me a liar straight to my face!' His pitch was altering sometimes as he cried.

Sting leaned against a small rock on the grassy sloped. 'Oh let them talk. I don't care what they say.'

'I do!' Lector retorted. 'You didn't hear them yourself!'

'It's not a bother to me, really.' Sting insisted.

'I know! It's…it's just…I don't like it when people talk smack about my best friend!' Lector shouted.

Sting's eyes widened at Lector's words. It touched him, and he grinned. He sat up and rubbed Lector's furry little head. 'Okay then, I'll prove to them you're not a liar.' He looked up to the sky rather than a confused Lector's face. 'There might not be any Dragons left, but there is that Salamander of Fairy Tail.' He smiled and looked down to Lector. 'Someday, I'll take him down in front of everyone, that'll show that you're no liar…it's a promise, count on it.'

Sting huffed and raised a triumphant fist over a pile of rubble. Natsu laid down on the ground in front of him while Nic was on a knee, not at all panting, but discouraged as his head wasn't in the game. He took some damage from Rogue, and although it did annoy him some, he seemed durable enough to stand, which he did.

'Yay, Sting! That's one down!' Lector cheered.

Happy looked like he was on the verge of tears. 'No…'

'And now it all comes to defeating Nic.' Rogue said, stepping forward. 'You're gonna fall just like Natsu.'

'Natsu! Get up…please.' Lucy implored, her fists shaking on the balcony of her guild's stands.

Nic remained silent as he looked down at Natsu, disregarding the several scrapes his form took. He was fine, but Natsu wasn't such a case, but there was something that Nic knew that was too good to be true. This was Natsu.

Sting turned away. 'Well, I finally got my break. Thanks Natsu, this was the toughest I had, thanks for this chance.'

A long silence breezed through the area before Nic broke it.

'Are you done lying down?' He asked. 'No need to play dead anymore.'

The Twin Dragons looked back in sheer disbelief as Natsu was getting to his knees.

'Yeah, yeah. I hear ya.' He mumbled.

The crowd raged on in loud cheers as Natsu was back on his feet. Fairy Tail cheered on loudly, Happy being the most proud. Lucy smiled wide as Natsu was seen cracking his neck.

'Aw man, I'm gonna feel that for awhile.' Natsu groaned. Nic snickered as that was classic Natsu.

'It's like Sting's attacks didn't do anything at all!' Lola shouted.

'No way…how is he even standing? I used Dragon Force!' Sting shouted.

Natsu snickered. 'Now I'm all fired up.'

Dragon Slayers Vs Dragons 3

Lector looked at the monitor and his eyes shuddered. 'No way…this can't be real, can it?'

Erza smiled. 'It looks like Natsu's alright. Nic should be too.' Her smiled widened when she saw Nic step forward with Natsu on the monitor.

Both contenders looked unfazed as their heads were back in the game. Nic glowed and shifted back to himself, glaring through his sunglasses. 'If you honestly believed that Natsu could be held down that easily, you're bigger fools than we thought.'

'What'd you say?! Our Dragon Force was supposed to keep you down! I'm surprised enough that Natsu is standing, but how in the hell are you even a match against Dragon Force, Nic Pularis?! There's nothing stronger than a Dragon!'

Nic frowned as he processed Sting's retort. '…you're wrong.'

The Twin Dragons narrowed their eyes as Nic said otherwise.

'Dragons are powerful, yes, but you weren't there. Acnologia, the King of Dragons, was humiliated by Pokémon. He lost against them, and it was hard to comprehend, but it happened.' Nic looked over at Natsu as he stared at the ground. 'There are others that are superior out there.'

'Are you saying these Pokémon creatures have more might than a Dragon?' Rogue asked. 'I say you're bluffing.'

'Yeah, like Rogue said! Nothing's better than a Dragon! This power killed Weisslogia, a Dragon! Pokémon don't have the power to do such a thing!'

It was as though a switch turned on once more because Nic gave off a vibrant energy flow. All of the Magic Power around them was at a complete standstill as Nic's body gave off a pulse. The Twin Dragons widened their eyes at this unbelievable energy that Nic was giving off.

He was holding back alright, and even so, they were still no match for his might. Now…they were screwed, big time.

Dragon Slayers Vs Dragons 2

'Then I'll show you the error of your ways.' Nic retorted. The Twin Dragons both stepped back while Natsu smirked and jumped away, aware of this power shift.

'Can you feel that power? What is Nic doing down there?' Lola asked.

'He's generating and giving off so much power…' Yakima looked like he was gonna shiver. 'This power, it's horrific.'

The audience was in the same boat. They all held the other as a massive extent of power was being unleashed, and the area was starting to heat up gradually. Sting and Rogue found themselves trembling and shuddering, and they couldn't control it. Kagura and Jura both nearly fell back, their strong wills being startled by this overflow of power, which scared their guild mates as well.

Makarov's eyes shuddered. 'Nic, it can't be…'

Mavis's eyes were dilating out of shock. 'It's not Magic, but this power is exceeding the Dragon Force…'

Gray gasped. 'Hang on! We've felt this before!'

'Is Nic…?' Vanessa stared at the monitor, ignoring the increased temperature all around. Her Pokémon seemed unsound as this level of power was unleashing in massive quantities.

Nic gave off a strong, lava-like aura that covered his body. The area around him was starting to sizzle violently, and what appeared to be hardened and molten rock exhausted from his feet. The lava aura he gave off almost made everyone watching feel like the earth was mad at them. Jura and Kagura's pupils were dilating uncontrollably as they fell back at last, this massive power flow too much for even the strongest of Mermaid Heel and a Ten Wizard Saint could stomach. Molten rock and lava sprouted from the ground, gushing out and encompassing Nic.

'Impossible…' Sting muttered, feeling the burning sparks shift by.

Everyone saw Nic was no longer visible underneath the mound of molten rock with lava cracks. The power level was beyond comprehensive, so much that Minerva was in shock. 'He's had this much power, even hiding it from Jiemma?'

In the stands, Bellona was looking down as her hands was trembling. This level of power was humungous. She never felt this kind or level of strength. 'Nic Pularis, just what are you?'

'This power.' Erza started, her eyes wide. 'I never knew Nic could do that on his own now.' She recalled as to how Nic was always using that, but there was a catch. 'Whenever he used that, there was always an incentive, something to provoke him. I never thought he'd be able to use it at will now.'

Natsu hid behind some rubble as rays of orange light went through the lava cracks. Sting and Rogue backed away and found cover when the mound erupted, sending a beam of light into the sky. The bright beam reached up high above everyone's heads and dissipated into the atmosphere. The temperature then began to burn to an intensive degree. Molten rock exploded and sent a shockwave all around. The land quaked and the catacombs all around cracked, with lava geysers spouting up around Nic and splattering all around, cooling off instantly and leaving fresh, hardened black land with lava cracks running through all of the catacombs.

Sting and Rogue peeked from their cover and they shuddered. Nic was standing there, growling and completely transformed. Lola and Yajima were both gaping their mouths and Yajima's hat fell off.

'Legendary Force – Groudon!' Nic roared, sending hot and violent ripples through the atmosphere, sending the Twin Dragons flying and pillars of molten earth arose. Lava dripped from his mouth and steam was all around him.

'I remember this Legendary Force.' Sophie said, her body quivering.

Cana swallowed. 'Yeah. That was when we up against Lysandre in the Celestial World. He's packing more power than ever now.'

The land bulged and cracked some more, and molten rock and lava filled the crevices. Nic's eyes diverted all around. He raised an arm and brought it out an around, roaring low. Behind Natsu, massive mounds of molten rock and lava spouted. Molten rock even spilled from the catacomb walls, spilling into the area. Nic finished his long arc, and the area all around him was molten and lava-like. Steam and skin-burning heat exerted from all around, making Sting and Rogue become paralyzed.

'Is…is this a dream?' Sting thought, seeing the beast that Nic had become.

'Nic Pularis, he really has this much power?' Rogue thought.

Nic took a step forward, and landed and small pillars of molten rock jutted up with every slow step he took. He growled low again, and roared at the Twin Dragons. 'Now to bring your arrogance to sunder.'

In the stands, the two cloaked figures looked surprised, and one was looking at the might Natsu was applying as he was flaming up profusely, more so with this searing heat and great sunshine. The cloaked figure let a tear fall, and far away, Jellal's eyes widened when that power was felt. 'This power!' He turned towards the source, but the two figures weren't there. Jellal ran off. 'I'm in pursuit guys! As much as I wanna stay and watch, this is more important!'

Sting growled and struggled to keep himself stable, but he never felt so much power resonating from a single source. 'No! I can't give up, not while I have a promise to keep!' Sting took a step forward. 'White Dragon's Roar!' Sting fired an intense blast of concentrated light at Nic and Natsu.

Nic opened up his mouth and green orbs were being made. The solar energy gathering was tremendous, and he let it all out in one go. 'Solar Beam!' Nic let loose a gigantic green beam that traveled and shattered the molten ground and raced straight through Stong's roar. Sting was left paralyzed by how gigantic the attack was, and yet Nic shot it so it barely grazed Sting's shoulder. The Solar Beam was so brutal that it blasted straight through the rock of the molten catacombs and the beam traveled out of the crags and reached somewhere in the open avenues of the vacant Crocus. A massive green explosion could be seen on the lacrima-vision and shot up.

'OH MY GOODNESS!' Lola screamed, paling at Nic's raw power. 'Nic Pularis is unstoppable!'

Sting slowly looked behind and looked horrified by the depth and size of the hole made. He never saw such devastating force in one go. The distraction led to him getting assaulted by Natsu from above.

'Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!'

Natsu's massive fireball showered down onto Sting, bursting into spouts of flames. 'Bull's eye!'

'That was strong.' Lily commented.

'It's gotta be the sunlight.' Vanessa said. 'In this weather, in a Pokémon's scenario, Fire-Type moves do more damage. Remember Moltres back in Kalos?'

'Oh right. That flaming bird Charizard defeated. Yeah, I get it.' Lisanna said.

Lucy held up a confident fist. 'Which means Natsu's getting a boost!'

Rogue took no haste and went to attack Nic. 'HRAH!' His hands were cloaked in shadows and he punched Nic, but his hand burned from the proximity and touch to Nic's chest, in which he wasn't fazed in the slightest. Rogue stepped back, being weary of the cooling lava in between the cracks. 'No way. Not even a scratch?'

Nic raised his arm and brought it down. Molten land jutted underneath Rogue and stretched out to pin and smash him into the nearby wall. The molten bridge was broken when Sting shot through it with a beam of light. The Twin Dragons regrouped and stepped back as Nic seemed to be glaring.

Natsu used this chance and dealt a flurry of punches and kicks, the heat and molten earth leaving him unfazed. The Twin Dragons diverted their attention towards Natsu and assaulted back. They let loose a massive array of blows, and Natsu deflected and punched back, knocking them both away.

'Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!'

With one swing in a spiral, Natsu let flaming lashes send the Twin Dragons sliding back. They both got to a knee and a massive fire was heading their way on their right.

'Fire Blast!'

A pillar of fire erupted from the massive hole, and everyone gaped as the huge pressure within the pyro mayhem below. The shock from the fire dissipated quickly, but that didn't mean Jura wasn't trembling.

'Immense power. He created land.' Jura said, pupils dilating. 'Luminous has that much power? He can create land all over the world!'

The hole's rubble was reduced to ashes or melted. The entire floor was cooled earth and lava cracks bubbled. Melted rock dripped down from high above, sizzling upon touching the ground where Sting and Rogue were. Both had destroyed clothing, and burn marks were all over their body. They were on their last legs, and they were startled and shaken up bad.

'This is bad.' Orga said.

'I don't remember such a force as this.' Rufus noted, equally as shocked. 'And yet…I can't memorize Luminous's power?!'

Minerva had a blank expression. Her opinion ad opposition was clear. 'This power Nic has, it truly is one that surpasses Dragon Force. We see that now.'

'Holy Ray!' Sting desperately fired light from a huge sphere and hundreds of light arrows went at Nic. They exploded upon contact, and yet Nic didn't budge back a single inch. He took it all, and he bellowed a heated roar, dissipating Sting's attack.

Sting stepped back. 'No way…'

'Fire Dragon's Roar!' Natsu blasted right through Sting's dissipating attack and struck the two again. Sting and Rogue were engulfed in an explosion and fell back.

Both Dragon Slayers stumbled up to their feet. They had the same tired look. Rogue brought back his right arm. 'ENOUGH, NIC! NOW STING!'

'YEAH!' Sting brought his left arm back.

Sting exerted massive amounts of light that began to overlap Rogue's sphere of shadows behind him. They were generating so much power and the light and shadow began to merge.

'They're attempting a Unison Raid.' Makarov said in disbelief.

'Their individual Magic is now one.' Mavis noted.

Frosch was tearing up. 'Come on, Rogue.'

Lector sniffled. 'They can pull it off! Sting's never gonna lose! Not ever!'

'Oh my. It seems that the Twin Dragons are using a Unison Raid.' Lola announced.

'It's technically considered Fusion Magic. You can spend your whole life training and never master it.' Yajima said.

The two gigantic spheres began growing immensely, and Sting and Rogue glared at Nic and Natsu as they only stood there. This was their last shot. The gigantic spheres the two had suddenly vanished, and a still might rattled through the atmosphere. Right then and there, a small but very compress ball of light and shadow was swirling.

'Look out!' Happy shouted.

'I know Nic can do this.' Erza thought. 'The Twin Dragons are nothing compared to what Nic had to face.'

'Holy Shadow Dragon's Flash Fang!' Sting and Rogue brought their fists forward, sending a swirling blast of light and shadow that rattled the molten earth. The immense force was enough to make Lola nearly jump out of his seat as so much Magic Power was in that one shot.

Nic glowed a lava aura and molten rock bulged all around him. His eyes widened and glinted.

'Maxus Legendary Arts – Precipice Blades!'

Nic folded his claws and clasped them out front. A gigantic rumbling bellowed beneath, and the earth suddenly heated up. Natsu looked down and his eyes were wide as the cracks spouted lava he had to evade. He got behind Nic as he roared out. Random incandescent stones tipped in lava jutted forth from the earth, sprouting all over the ground. The Twin Dragon's Unison Raid dispersed as it was hit by a single stone. The Twin Dragons were left hopeless as the attack closed in.

At that instant, a lava shockwave bellowed beneath the crags. The whole level exploded massively, and a pillar of fire, debris, and molten rock shot up. Everyone screamed at the raw power as the Domus Flau Colosseum's structure melted just a little, and the whole structure, along with the crags themselves, cracked and dropped maybe thirty or so feet. The audience was spared, but the stadium had hot spots and melted locations, including the four huge statues. Everyone was at a loss for words as the massive pillar and shockwaves stopped rumbling, and the lacrima-vision was static briefly before clearing up.

All around, the catacombs were reduced to literally molten rock and ashes. A layer of fresh, cooled rock overlapped the shattered and destroyed bits of…everything. Shambles and hot rock steamed profusely, as though they were in a lava pit. Cooled lava sizzled in several places, and lying atop of a random pile of smoldering and destroyed rubble was Sting and Rogue. They were unconscious, barely in one piece, and many parts had burns and charred places.

As the steam shifted, it revealed Natsu and Nic, the latter in his normal self, and not looking exhausted at all.

The bell went off, signaling Fairy Tail win.

'OH MY GOD! NIC PULARIS HAD JUST DEMOLISHED THE ENTIRE CRAG THAT DOMUS FLOW WAS ESTABLISHED ON!' Lola yelled. 'In no contest! Fairy Tail dominated and ruthlessly defeated Sabertooth's Twin Dragons! They moved back into 1st place! This is a major upturn for Fairy Tail, as they have demonstrated the ruthless and raw power of their mightiest!'

'Yeah!' Natsu held up a fist and looked excited.

Nic remained satisfied and his sunglasses reflected the sunlight as it went back to normal.

Makarov gaped his mouth, twitching at Nic's insane power. 'He…he…'

'Demolished everything?' Mavis giggled a little. 'That's Fairy Tail for ya!'

Cana snickered. 'He could've used a little more juice if he wanted to.'

Sophie crossed her arms. 'As I remember, Nic's Precipice Blades back then in his Primal Groudon destroyed the earth entirely in the Celestial World. He could've taken Crocus and the mountain range if he wanted to. Guess he decided to go easy on collateral damage.'

Erza smiled as she looked at the monitor, her focus on Nic.

'And that is a wrap for Day 4!' Lola shouted, excited over that display. 'Tomorrow is a day of rest for our fighters, and then it's on to the big finale! All fighters are gonna duke it out in a battle royal, and only one guild's gonna take the title! Who will it be?! Don't miss it!'

The scoreboard showed the results.

1st Place: Fairy Tail - 46

2nd Place: Sabertooth - 44

3rd Place: Mermaid Heel - 40

3rd Place: Lamia Scale - 40

5th Place: Blue Pegasus - 30

6th Place: Quatro Puppy – 15

'Those fairies made it, I knew they would!' Bob mused.

'That was wild.' Goldmine was still fixated on that last move. 'Too wild.'

'Aim for not just Fairy Tail! Makarov and his little child Nic Pularis better be conquered!' Obaba shouted.

Makarov snickered triumphantly. 'Bring it!'

Over the smoldering and molten hole, Lector looked down and cried at how badly his best friend lost. The tears just didn't stop.

'Fro is sad.' Frosch sniffled.

Orga looked unsound. 'Okay, that was insane.'

'Yes, a sight that I could only remember somewhat.' Rufus reluctantly admitted.

Minerva turned away, her hair shifted as she walked down the tunnel. 'I always wanted to see something like that, and now I did.' She stopped briefly and looked outside. 'I wonder how Nic got that strong to begin with?' She shrugged. 'It doesn't matter. His power trumps anyone's. Now I can't wait for Jiemma's face.'

In the stands, Jiemma gave off a purple aura, scaring off the spectators around him as his guild lost miserably against Nic. His seat cracked under his pressure. He growled and his eyes showed. He was furious over the outcome. He was gonna deal with Sting and Rogue when they healed.

'That was a good fight.' Nic praised, grinning.

'Hell yeah! Let's do that again some time!' Natsu said.

As the audience left the arena, Jellal, still in disguise, his amongst the crowd. The crowd was diverted on a safe route after Nic's last move. Looking back, he saw the brutal devastation Nic's Legendary Force could wield. It was a shocker. He diverted his attention back ahead, and he saw the two cloaked figures present, walking silently amongst the crowd. Jellal kept on the trail and never took his eyes off of them.

In the locker room, Happy high-fived Natsu. 'Aw yeah!'

'Now that's how we roll!' Natsu shouted.

'Great job you guys.' Lucy praised. 'I knew you guys could pull it off.'

Gajeel crossed his arms. 'Not bad, Salamander, Luminous. Betcha I could've gone solo myself.'

Natsu slipped right in front of him. 'Say what?! I could've beaten them myself!'

Gajeel butted heads with Natsu. 'What are you yammering on about?! Luminous had control the entire time! He did most of the work!'

As the two leered on, Vanessa smiled at Nic. 'You gave us quite the scare a few moments here and there.' She said. 'I'm glad you came out alright.'

'Thanks.' Nic smiled at his younger sister. He had a hand touch his shoulder, looking back over his shoulder, he saw that it was a smiling Erza.

'Erza.' Nic said joyfully.

Erza turned away, a small blush on her cheeks. '…Nic.'


Nic was suddenly met with a pair of soft lips on his cheek. His cheeks gave way to a blush as Erza pulled back, having the same blush Nic was having. Erza looked away, her eyes shut as she proudly smiled.

'I figured you've earned a reward for putting us back on top.' She backed up.

Nic cleared his throat and his blush settled down somewhat as everyone uproariously laughed at the cute scene of Nic being embarrassed, but took it in stride and shrugged off their laughs, as it was the thought that count.

'Great work to you both.' Makarov walked up to the winners. He stood affirm alongside Mavis and looked at their confident faces. 'You both have shown that Fairy Tail has more than just bark. Our bite is mighty, and today we proved that fairies are triumphant over tigers. Rest up tomorrow, for Day 5…we take the 30 Million Jewel!'

'That's not why we're here!' Everyone spatted back.

'1st place! Alright!' Natsu shouted, with Happy and Lucy cheering with him.

As they all cheered, Nic seemed amused as everyone had big smiles and cheered. However, the more he looked at them, the more uneasy and foreboding feelings he felt surging. He half-grinned. 'What was that ominous and ghastly energy back down underneath? What was down there?'

'Nic?' Erza's voice got his attention and he snapped back to her curious face. 'You okay?'

Nic grinned as a means of façade. 'Yeah, I'm well.' He snickered. 'Although an omelet sounds pretty good right now.'

Everyone laughed as they were being their cheery and happy selves. Although deep down, Nic did have a very bad feeling.

Day soon turned to night and the streets were as quiet and desolate as a forest. Still no stars, and so many wished for them to be back. Among the few that hoped, Sergeant Yukino, now with the Rune Knights, was looking up from the large window at the damaged Domus Flau colosseum. She would be at a loss for words if not for the fact she wasn't present.

'So Nic and Natsu defeated Sabertooth.' She thought. 'They really did it.'

'You seem conflicted.' A fellow soldier speculated, walking up to her with arms behind his back.

Yukino continued facing at the outside. 'No, my attachments to Sabertooth are no longer valid. I assure you…' She turned around with a smile. 'What's difficult is being called 'Sergeant'.'

The soldier nodded. 'I understand completely ma'am. It's an adaptation, but your involvement in the Eclipse Project means you need a rank, but you'll get used to it soon enough. I'm sure.'

Yukino's expression went from soft to serious. 'This is an important step we're taking.' She turned and laid her arms onto the window balcony. 'I will do whatever it takes to assure Eclipse goes as planned. I owe Arcadios for this chance…wait. I suppose he's Kernel instead, right?'

'It's no trouble. I just call him 'Sir' to play it safe.'

'I understand.' Yukino looked down in the gardens below, where Arcadios was walking calmly yet sternly through on his patrol. 'He's trying to save us all, and no one knows.'

'Jellal? What's going on?'

'Did they get away, again?'

Jellal kept his distance as he overlooked the two cloaked figures that walked soundly through the streets. 'No, I'm on their tail. They won't get away this time.' He silently treaded a safe and cautious distance from them. 'I have to know how they're connected to Zeref. You two are not getting out of my sight.'

Jellal followed them through an alleyway, where the two crossed into another street, unaware of Jellal trailing them. He kept a silent and steady pace as they went down the street underneath each light post.

After what felt like half an hour of tailing them, the cloaked figures made it to a high balcony by means of stairs. Jellal finally made his moves. 'Stop right there.'

The cloaked figures grew stiff and ceased moving.

Jellal made it to the top of the balcony, taking his hood and scarf off. 'Reveal yourselves. I have already revealed my identity.'

The night wind went by and the cloaked were picked up, showing one figure with slender legs and sandals and the other had shoes and pants.

'A woman?' Jellal speculated of the sandal-wearing cloaked figure.

Tme seemed to have slowed down as both cloaked figures turn to face him, confronting Jellal head on. Their faces were as clear as day underneath the hoods thanks to the moonlight. An ominous tension went through the air and Jellal stepped back in deep shock and revelation.

His eyes shuddered at their identities. '…impossible…'

In the confines of space, sitting amongst the stardust, Arceus's eyes widened. A weak gasped came from him.

Dialga and Palkia both looked up a at the tainted gold-glowing God. 'Arceus, what's wrong?' Dialga asked.

Arceus was fixated on the vile and ominous feeling. 'I have had a dark wave went by. Whatever is coming, it's gonna arrive…and it's massive.'

Dialga and Palkia looked at each other with uneasy dread as Arceus was sickly and pale enough as he was. He was on his last legs and unable to move. He didn't have too long.

'Dialga. Palkia. A bad omen that had plagued the stars to become dark will arrive. No matter what happens, do whatever it is you can to help Nic Pularis.' Arceus winced and coughed, and as he did, Dialga and Palkia tensed up further. Arceus composed and looked down at them once more.

'Prepare yourselves for the war of dark and light. This shall be the battle to determine if the universe survives…or dies.'

Cliffhanger! Sorry for the wait again, but I'm happy that EDventures in Kalos is over with and I got this chapter up. Now I know many of you consider the second half of the GMG Arc the Eclipse Arc, but it's still technically the GMG Arc, so keep that in mind, so that means this will go through the Dragons invading, with my own flavor added in.

Also I'm leaving for vacation for the weekend, so if I don't update before the 2nd of July, it'll be another week. I'll work as fast as I can, but if not, at least I got this in.

Please Favorite, Follow, & Review this story and/or chapter if you guys love the battles and the foreboding action!

Next Time: Graveyard of Omens

(Redirected from Dragonslayers)
Saint George slaying the dragon, as depicted by Paolo Uccello, c. 1470

A dragonslayer is a person or being that slays dragons. Dragonslayers and the creatures they hunt have been popular in traditional stories from around the world: they are a type of story classified as type 300 in the Aarne–Thompson classification system. They continue to be popular in modern books, films, video-games and other entertainments. Dragonslayer-themed stories are also sometimes seen as having a chaoskampf theme - in which a heroic figure struggles against a monster that epitomises chaos.


Andromeda Chained to a Rock by Gustave Doré (1869).

A dragonslayer is often the hero in a 'Princess and dragon' tale. In this type of story, the dragonslayer kills the dragon in order to rescue a high-class female character, often a princess, from being devoured by it. This female character often then becomes the love interest of the account. One notable example of this kind of legend is the story of Ragnar Loðbrók, who slays a giant serpent, thereby rescuing the maiden, Þóra borgarhjörtr, whom he later marries.

There are, however, several notable exceptions to this common motif. In the legend of Saint George and the Dragon, for example, Saint George overcomes the dragon as part of a plot which ends with the conversion of the dragon's grateful victims to Christianity, rather than Saint George being married to the rescued princess character.

In a Norse legend from the Völsunga saga, the dragonslayer, Sigurd, kills Fafnir - a dwarf who has been turned into a dragon as a result of guarding the cursed ring that had once belonged to the dwarf, Andvari. After slaying the dragon, Sigurd drinks some of the dragon's blood and thereby gains the ability to understand the speech of birds. He also bathes in the dragon's blood, causing his skin to become invulnerable. Sigurd overhears two nearby birds discussing the heinous treachery being planned by his companion, Regin. In response to the plot, Sigurd kills Regin, thereby averting the treachery. [1]

Mythologists such as Joseph Campbell have argued that dragonslayer myths can be seen as a psychological metaphor:[2]

'But as Siegfried [Sigurd] learned, he must then taste the dragon blood, in order to take to himself something of that dragon power. When Siegfried has killed the dragon and tasted the blood, he hears the song of nature. he has transcended his humanity and re-associated himself with the powers of nature, which are powers of our life, and from which our minds remove us.

..Psychologically, the dragon is one's own binding of oneself to one's own ego.'[3]

Dragonslayer characters[edit]

Susanoo slaying the Yamata no Orochi, by Kuniteru
The dragonslayer (Copper door 1974) by German artist Klaus Rudolf Werhand
Medieval and early Modern legend
  • Sigurd or Siegfried
  • Skuba Dratewka/Krakus
  • Mamadi Sefe Dekote (Africa)
  • Benzaiten aka Saraswati
Tolkien's legendarium


  1. ^Byock, Jesse L. (1990). Saga of the Volsungs: The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. ISBN0-520-23285-2.
  2. ^The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyes, Anchor Books 1988 ISBN978-0-307-79472-7
  3. ^The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyes, Anchor Books 1988 ISBN978-0-307-79472-7

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Dragonslayers at Wikimedia Commons
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